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Downtown Meridian Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan

Ada County Highway District (ACHD) and the City of Meridian are working on a neighborhood pedestrian and bicycle plan for the Downtown Meridian area (the study area shown on the map at the right). This plan will help ACHD and the City identify projects and priorities for improving bicycling and walking in your neighborhood.

Public involvement is a key component of this plan. If you live, work or travel in the area, please use the map at right to tell us about your experience with the existing walking and bicycling system. Simply double-click on locations of interest and then add your comments. The commenting period is now over and comments can no longer be added to the map. If you have comments you would like to submit, please contact ACHD staff using the contact information below

Feedback we are looking for includes, but is not limited to items such as:

  • What barriers prevent you from making bicycling or walking trips (e.g., gaps in sidewalk or bike lanes, busy roads without shoulders or sidewalks, busy intersections to cross, etc…)?
  • Where would you like to walk or bicycle, but currently do not and why?
  • What are typical routes that you use today for walking or biking?

After you have provided all your comments, please click here to take a quick survey to let us know about your walking and biking preferences.

If you have other comments related to the study area, please use the map or send comments to If you have specific questions about the project, please contact Justin Lucas at

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