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North Winchester Interchange Alternatives Analysis

The purpose of this study is to identify and evaluate feasible interchange improvements/modifications to accommodate existing and projected traffic volumes. Such modifications may include the construction of new ramps and/or modification of existing ramps, construction of collector-distributor roads, new or modified signalized intersections, Transportation System Management (TSM) improvements and the replacement of existing bridges on I-81 over US 11 and the railroad.

The North Winchester Interchange (Interstate 81/US 11) serves several functions to Winchester and the surrounding region. First and foremost, it provides a connection to US 11 and direct access into the northern portion of Winchester from I-81. It also processes a substantial portion of regional traffic traveling through/around the City of Winchester given its proximity Route 37 (Winchester Bypass), with interchanges with US 11 immediately west in a partial “Y” configuration. In fact, approximately 20-25% of all traffic processed through the I-81/US 11 interchange is regional traffic using it as a bypass of downtown Winchester, not just as an interchange between the two primary routes. This is exacerbated by the inconsistent mixture of roadway forms and functions.

This Project will deliver an Interchange Alternatives Analysis (IAA) Report that provides the necessary technical documentation to carry whatever preferred alternative is identified forward toward future design, funding, and implementation. Engaging key agencies, stakeholders, and the general public in this initial alternatives analysis is critical to building consensus and momentum behind a preferred alternative that can be successfully advanced forward in the project development process.

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