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North County Transit Plan

The purpose of the North Santa Barbara County Transit Plan update is to identify ways to improve transit service delivery in North Santa Barbara County. It will provide public agency staff and elected officials with information documenting the relationship between population growth, ridership demand, service needs, and funding. The updated Plan will study a range of options for greater collaboration and coordination of transit in North County, both to improve the rider experience and to achieve cost savings. The 2006 North Santa Barbara County Transit Plan, adopted by the SBCAG Board on October 19, 2006, identified a need for greater collaboration and coordination in North County. For example, there “is no consistent pattern of how transit services are currently administered in Northern Santa Barbara County." Currently “a passenger must pay a separate fare or use a distinct fare instrument every time he or she boards a different operator’s bus.” In addition, “SMAT, COLT, SYVT, Runabout (SLORTA), and MTD (through Easy Lift) each have their own ADA eligibility process, with different applications and procedures.”

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