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OSU Transportation Plan - Issue Identification

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Oregon State University is looking for help identifying transportation issues and concerns on and around the OSU campus, so that we can get a comprehensive view of existing conditions, develop solutions to issues and create a long-term transportation plan.

Use this map to share your thoughts on getting around the OSU campus. Think of all transportation modes, as well as infrastructure conditions, configurations, management, enforcement, etc.

When leaving a comment, choose the category below that you think best fits. If your comment is relevant to more than one category or the interaction between categories, choose multimodal. If your comment applies to the whole campus, indicate at the beginning of your comment that it is "Campus-wide" and place it where you feel most appropriate.

If you agree with a comment on the map, you can click on the comment to "Like" it.

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Having trouble viewing or using the map? Please contact Kelly with your comments.