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OR 99W S.Corvallis

The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the City of Corvallis are working on a facility plan to make the OR 99W (SW 3rd Street) corridor more safe, comfortable, and attractive, especially for biking and walking. This facility plan will focus on potential improvements to OR 99W between SW Western Boulevard and SW Airport Avenue.

Public involvement is a key component of this plan. The public input for this part of the project is now closed, but for more input opportunities or to learn more about the project, please visit the project website:

The comments and following text are maintained as an archive.

If you live, work, or regularly travel in the area, please use the map to tell us about your experience with the existing transportation system. Simply zoom into an area of interest or concern and then double-click on the specific location. You will be able to provide comments and organize them by categories, as well as select key words to help understand the issue or interest that you express. Input we are looking for includes, but is not limited to, items such as:

  • What barriers make it difficult to travel on OR 99W or what makes it feel unsafe?
  • What would make bicycling or walking more comfortable and safe on OR 99W?
  • Where would you like to walk or bicycle, but currently do not and why?
  • Are there concerns you have about the traffic on OR 99W?
  • Are there locations where it is difficult to turn onto or off of OR 99W and why?
  • What attributes would make the corridor more attractive to you?

View a list of existing comments →

Having trouble viewing or using the map? Please contact with your comments.


Click and hold to move the map in any direction. Zoom in and out of the map with the + and – symbols in the lower right corner of the screen.

Double-click on the location where you want to comment and a Comment Box will appear. If you want to draw a line, double-click on the location where you want to begin, then move the cursor and single-click on the map anywhere you need to turn a corner or bend the line to draw your route. Double click to finalize your route.

Please type your comment in the box. Below the Comment Box choose the Category that is most related to your comment, and then choose the words or terms that best match your comment (you can choose more than one). When finished, simply click on the Create Comment box and your comment will be attached to the location/route you placed on the map.

You are welcome to choose and comment on many locations and address as many categories as you like (one category with each comment that you create). You also may “like” a comment placed on the map by someone else. Simply click on an icon to see the comment and click on “Like Comment” if you agree.

Thank you!