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Downtown Boise Implementation Plan - Two-way Street Conversion

Please use this map to tell us what streets you would like to see converted to two-way traffic flow.

The Two-way Street Conversion Study is shown on the map. The findings are listed as follows:

Green - easy conversion with little impact

Red - more complicated conversion

Yellow - potential one-way reversal (CCDC owned street)

Blue - two-way conversion for Downtown Multimodal Center

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Having trouble viewing or using the map? Please contact Jon Crisafi at with your comments.


To provide a specific comment, double click over the beginning of the street you would like to tell us about, double click at the end of the street for two-way conversion, then simply type in your comment. You can see other comments that have been input by placing your cursor over the pins. To provide a general comment about the study area simply double click anywhere on the map.