Comments for “Downtown Boise Implementation Plan - Areas of Concern”

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  1. February 20 2013

    I live downtown and walk around here a lot. I would like to see safer pedestrian crossings for Myrtle and Front at either 13th or 11th. I have been almost hit by a car a couple of times, because they are in such a hurry to get onto the connector. The problem is the worst during dark hours when there are no other pedestrians around. Perhaps flashing lights, like the ones near the Library.

  2. February 20 2013

    I would like to see all of 3rd St. become two-way. This is a great street for biking north/south while avoiding the heart of downtown, especially since it dumps into the Park. Currently when I ride my bicycle here, I have to use the sidewalks if I'm going north to south on the one way section.

  3. February 19 2013

    I echo all comments made for this corridor. It should really be accommodating for alternative transportation options.

  4. February 16 2013

    A real bicycle lane, separate from traffic and from sidewalk heading southbound. Some bicyclists nearly run a pedestrian off the sidewalk going both ways on the sidewalk. The northbound sidewalk is better for two-lane bike traffic. I am a cyclist too, and generally risk my own life on the southbound uphill section of vista to make sure pedestrians have the right of way on the side walk. Regardless, the sidewalk is dangerously close to fast moving traffic. I realize this is out of the study zone but strongly recommend the city consider quality of life and safety of cyclists and pedestrians in this very busy artery.

  5. February 16 2013

    Pedestrian/bicycle/wheelchair overpass. This intersection is extremely busy and it takes an average of five minutes to cross the street. It is also especially dangerous and confusing as the walk signs do not always activate. This overpass could be located either slightly north or south of the main intersection but would improve quality of life and safety for many on foot.

  6. February 15 2013

    16th and 15th are treated like race track for cars. Is there something we can do about this. Enforcement and/or education?

  7. February 14 2013

    13th Street should remain a one way to keep the additional traffic out of the adjacent neighborhood.

  8. February 14 2013

    I like the two-way idea for Jefferson, if it includes roundabouts and/or left lanes at 8th and 9th.

  9. February 14 2013

    Myrtle/Front east of Capitol Blvd: Need to find a way to calm these segments.

  10. February 14 2013

    General - Bike education via driver's education or otherwise is always helpful and would solve many problems between bikers and cars. Specifcally what rights bikers have to the road and how cars should or should not react.

  11. February 14 2013

    Larger one way streets that are high traffic like 9th, Main, Idaho, Front and Myrtle could use a larger bike lane ideally. Dangerously small bike lanes are a nuisance to bikers and cars

  12. February 14 2013

    Bike lane on Capitol ending at Front street going into a no bike lane and unshared roadway is confusing for cars and dangerous for bikers.