Comments for “Eastern Market Metro Park Study”

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  1. August 07 2013

    Pedestrians would benefit from more time to cross Pennsylvania Avenue at all cross walks. In fact, I'd like to see raised cross-walks or other improvements that remind drivers that this is a community.

  2. August 06 2013

    The desire path here is inevitable due to proximity to the Metro and bikeshare station. A formalized HAWK signal, bike lanes, and outdoor Metro countdown clock (useful concept everywhere, could be an interesting place to pilot one here) should be considered to help improve flow.

  3. August 06 2013

    Please do *NOT* turn this area into a dog run. The *LAST* thing we need is unleased dogs so close to traffic. And experience has shown that a dog run will soon degenerate into an ugly patch of bare dirt (or mud when it rains) drenched in dog waster.

  4. August 06 2013

    Simply adding benches would increase the usability significantly. My girlfriend was running late the other day to meet my in front of the Metro. I told her no problem, I would hang out in the square and enjoy the day. Two minutes later I realized there was nowhere to sit and spent the next 25 minutes leaning up against the concrete by the Metro entrance - not an experience that endears me to the park!

  5. August 06 2013

    A big sign saying welcome to Eastern Market!

  6. August 06 2013

    Completing the Hine School redevelopment will do a lot to increase the vibrancy of the area and connect Eastern Market to Barracks Row

  7. August 06 2013

    Great that bikeshare is here.

  8. August 06 2013

    Put crosswalk

  9. August 06 2013

    Since drivers don't really stop here, perhaps a double-width crosswalk?

  10. August 06 2013

    Since drivers don't really stop here, perhaps a double-width crosswalk?

  11. August 06 2013

    Some type of statue or something to denote the center of the space? Shame this can't be a circle (e.g., like Dupont), but something large to denote a central point would be nice.

  12. August 06 2013

    All way stoplights to allow for pedestrians to cross diagonally etc.

  13. August 06 2013

    Would be great to close off this segment of D Street, add cafe seating or something interactive. The street doesn't really go anywhere, and there's not really a need for these parking spots.

  14. August 06 2013

    Pennsylvania Ave Median should have a cycletrack in it from 2nd Street SE to 17th St SE.

  15. August 06 2013

    Please add an interactive water feature here where kids can play. A small permanent playground would be nice too.

  16. August 06 2013

    Place natural vegetation barrier against Pennsylvannia Ave with a mix of quick growing small/medium shrubs and taller trees for long term impact. This will make the space feel less like its next to a highway.

  17. August 06 2013

    Consider closing D st segments on both sides of PA Ave between 7th and 9th and reuniting with adjacent parcels. The north side would make a good residential park and the south side would make a good commercial plaza.

  18. August 06 2013

    Close D Street. Make this area much more verdant with benches and a focus on rest. Small water features to create white noise.

  19. August 06 2013

    Create a mid-block crosswalk here with marking on the street, an advanced stop line and possibly traffic lights.

  20. August 06 2013

    Put a paved or brick walkway down the middle to connect Barracks Row with Eastern Market and to help pedestrians move between the two. Plant trees along the south side to create shade and set aside space on the north side for small vendor booths on weekends. This further creates a connection between the two commercial areas.

  21. August 06 2013

    Create a space where people will linger. Add furniture, both moveable and permanent, including tables with chess boards on top. Add a low-level stage for music and events that can also double as a seating area when not programmed. Set aside parking spaces along D Street for food trucks. If bike lockers are being used make sure they stay or that similar bike parking is made available.

  22. August 06 2013

    Close D Street here.

  23. August 06 2013

    Place some benches here and historical markers about the area.

  24. August 06 2013

    Fence this area in and turn it into a dog run.

  25. August 06 2013

    Perfect area for a statue recognizing a local person - perhaps in keeping with the play theme, actress and Washington, DC native Billie Burke dressed in her iconic role as Glinda the Good Witch.