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  1. March 19 2014

    No left turn on Red. Active bike lane with limited viability.

  2. March 19 2014

    Separating car traffic from bike traffic with parking - EXCELLENT!

  3. March 19 2014

    Curious about safety for bicycles turning left (west) on Idaho from Capitol.

  4. March 19 2014

    Eliminate west x-walk at from to allow free right turn (Same to Capitol and Front)

  5. March 19 2014

    If changes to 5th/6th go through, then access to Julia Davis Park from 5th (at least for bikes) is a must!

  6. March 19 2014

    Why sharros on 5th but not 6th? Shouldn't both roads have them if you're going to make bike share fewer lanes for cars?

  7. March 19 2014

    S. bound traffic loses a lane, but no bike lane or even sharrows? How is this an improvement for cyclists over even the existing situation?

  8. March 19 2014

    Mass storage bike rack. There are already several installed i.e. 8th and Bannock. Finding real location to chain a bike becomes difficult in the summer and evenings at this location.

  9. March 19 2014

    I like the idea of converting 5th to 2way but don't feel 6th should be converted. 6th is a nice pairing to the Capitol for both traffic and bike flow. Even without a bike lane on 6th there are plenty of lanes for cars to use when passing. The new 6th plan looks very unfriendly to cyclists. I like the currently adopted plan for 6th not the proposed.

  10. March 19 2014

    Capacity is built for 6th Street south, but due to increase in ped traffic and 6th/Front, vehicle traffic will use 5th SB

  11. March 19 2014

    Capacity is built for 6th Street south, but due to increase in ped traffic and 6th/Front, vehicle traffic will use 5th SB

  12. March 19 2014

    What is the plan to slow down traffic on Myrtle & Front/What about bike lanes!

  13. March 19 2014

    Existing queuing issues due to 6th/Front under current one-way configuration. I can't imagine the two-way configuration at this intersection would function much better.

  14. March 19 2014

    How easy will bikes cross Front St?

  15. March 19 2014

    concern: viability to parked cars

  16. March 19 2014

    Re: Shared spaces, please lower speed limit and make signage frequent so drivers are educated

  17. March 19 2014

    Agree with previous comment that left turn arrow is needed for both 5th and 6th

  18. March 19 2014

    Agree with previous comment that left turn arrow is needed for both 5th and 6th

  19. March 19 2014

    Also agrees that this intersection should have dedicated left turn traveling North on 5th.

  20. March 19 2014

    Agrees that this intersection should have dedicated left turn traveling North on 5th.

  21. March 19 2014

    Traffic signal would need to be protected left turn going north. It is already with the traffic from the VA having right-of-way.

  22. March 19 2014

    Recent sharrow additions (8th street near library) seem to close to parked cars and gutter. I would like to see them closer to the center of the drive lane....not the gutter.

  23. March 19 2014

    Speed limit? 20? 25? Will need to be lower because it is being shared with bikes.