Comments for “Wickham Road Operational Analysis”

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  1. June 16 2017

    Uniform markings of pedestrian crosswalks. Not a consistent message to car drivers

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  2. June 16 2017

    Lack of contiguous sidewalk, no covered bus stop bench that does not sit in the middle of the sidewalk and a nice platform for people to disembark the bus.

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  3. June 16 2017

    Signage for Wickham business park blocks visibility for exiting cars and limits visibility sidewalk facilities. Please refer to more updated maps of this site. Stop sign, stop line and pedestrian crosswalk that are in place cause the cars to stop far back and limit line of site.

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  4. June 16 2017

    No contiguous sidewalk on the west side of Wickham for those walking to or from the bus stop, no pedestrian crosswalks to get to the bus stop.

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  5. June 16 2017

    This Right turn lane from Lake Washington on to Wickham is horrible. The crosswalk is in the right turn lane.

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  6. June 16 2017

    Really bad place for people to disembark for a bus. Need a platform area, sidewalk and covered bus bench.

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  7. June 16 2017

    No consideration to pedestrian traffic looking to cross over Wickham Road in to the Northgate Plaza and McDonalds. And of course no sidewalk for the pedestrians on the west side of Wickham to go north or south for bus stops.

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  8. June 16 2017

    This intersection is a hot mess with no consideration to pedestrian traffic.

    Liked 2 times
  9. June 16 2017

    Need a safe place for people to disembark the bus, a sidewalk for pedestrians and covered bus stop bench that is not in the middle of the sidewalk.

    Liked 2 times
  10. June 16 2017

    Sidewalk not contiguous.

    Liked 2 times
  11. May 23 2017

    A sidewalk here would be very helpful for pedestrians and cyclists, in addition to the already mentioned need for additional crosswalks at the intersection of Aurora and Wickham. This would be a small project and would connect several miles of sidewalk north and south of here. My family, which includes several young children, often walks or rides along Wickham Road, and navigating the parking lot here and the intersection is terrifying. We would walk or bike more frequently if this stretch of Wickham and the intersection were safer.

    Liked 6 times
  12. May 21 2017

    Please do not wait for completion of project to add a crosswalk and signal at this corner, east side crossing north and south. This is long overdue for pedestrians, bicycles and other modes of transportation.

    Liked 10 times
  13. May 21 2017

    While waiting for the project to proceed, please shave down sidewalk blocks on the east side of Wickam for the benefit of wheelchairs, pedestrians and bicycles. Location is approximate.

    Liked 57 times
  14. May 11 2017

    An alternate method to make the Lansing Street Venture Lane intersections safer would be to install two stoplights. (One at each intersection.) The two new stoplights would be programmed to act as a single unit. A green light on Wickham would be a red light for east west traffic at both the Venture Lane and Lansing Street intersections. A stop signal on Wickham would stop all north south traffic at both intersections. At this point east/west traffic at both the Venture Lane and Lansing Street intersections would get a green light. This gives safe north/south access to the shopping center at 2255 Wickham, Wells Fargo, Residents of Lansing Ridge, South Area Alternate Learning Center, Wickham KinderCare, Launch Federal Credit Union, and the Wickham Business Park.

    Venture Lane Intersection – On a green signal Eastbound Traffic wanting to travel north will make a left to go north on Wickham where they will be stopped by the red light at the Lansing Street intersection. Westbound Traffic wishing to go south will turn left on Wickham toward the signal at the Northgate Shopping Center.

    Lansing Street Intersection – On a green signal Westbound Traffic wanting to travel south will make a left to go south on Wickham where they will be stopped by the red light at the Venture Lane intersection. Eastbound traffic wanting to travel north will turn left and travel to the signal at the Lake Washington intersection.

    Liked 192 times
  15. May 10 2017

    I am with Launch Federal Credit Union. We would ideally like to see a stoplight at the corner of Venture and Wickham.
    Lansing would divert down to the east side of Wickham just south of the South Area Alternate Learning Center creating a direct east west intersection. This would have multiple benefits for our members, the Wickham Business Park to the west of our facility, any future development down Venture Road, and the people living in the housing development east of Wickham. This location has the benefit of not disrupting the large power poles that were recently installed on the west side of Wickham. This location also moves a proposed light at Lansing's current intersection further south from Lake Washington Road.

    Liked 159 times