Comments for “Paradise Systemic Safety Analysis Report”

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  1. January 02 2018

    Speeding cars on Foster day/night in a 35mph zone, many doing 40-50mph & they're loud! Seems numerous vehicles feel the need to take off from the 4-way stop @ Roe, reaching high speeds heading south downhill, or even the opposite is true, flying by uphill to the stop from the south. I wouldn't even attempt to take walks on this road! A sidewalk would offer more protection for pedestrians but still so dangerous. Please consider a slower speed limit, possibly w/road bumps and greater police patrol.

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  2. December 30 2017

    I walk Wagstaff, cars zoom by, the sidewalk is uneven, no sidewalk on south side of WAGSTAFF, can't even access my mailbox without risking my LIFE. Speed bumps, and sidwalkds need/improvement. Stoplight on rocky lane good idea.

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  3. December 30 2017

    This so called improvement eliminating lanes is awful. My entire street has no choice but to try and pull out into lines of 50+ cars. Please fix this disaster.

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  4. December 24 2017

    I live on Silverthorne Lane and have kids that go to Ponderosa Elementary School. My kids cannot walk to and from school because of how unsafe it is on Pentz. We live 100 yards away and I am forced to drive my children to and from school or walk them myself. There are no sidewalks on the opposite side of the road from the school, just deep drainage ditches so my kids have to cross Pentz with no crosswalk, no crossing guard, and people who drive way too fast. It would be extremely beneficial for the kids who live on Silverthorne, Stark, and other streets across from the school to have lighted cross walks further down from the school and sidewalks on the other side of the road so us residents can feel like our kids are safe.

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  5. December 20 2017

    The bottom curve by the art is the worst spot for cyclists.

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  6. December 20 2017

    Speeding is a constant issue . The road is used as a short cut between Billie and Ellilot. Pedestrian traffic has no safe area due to excessive speeds.

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  7. December 19 2017

    Speed bumps would be useful.
    There are too many cars speeding through at all times of the day and night.

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  8. December 19 2017

    There needs to be street lights at this intersection. Coming from Magalia and turning left onto pentz is very dangerous at night.

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  9. December 18 2017

    Both residential homes at the corner of Harvey and Billie (there are two small homes on this property west side of Harvey Rd) leave their trash bins on the street all the time. Their vegetation, recycling and trash bins are excessively overflowing, continually surpassing the limited capacity allowed. These are safety issues and need to be addressed. Birds and other animals have already been observed tearing apart the trash there and spreading it all over the ground. In excessively windy climates, this will only attract filth. I've sent photos in already and hope these safety concerns will be addressed in a timely manner. Our town is experiencing "tagging" now, so any type of trash bin or trash out in the street is a catalyst for other types of vandalism to occur. Let's try to prevent it!

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  10. December 18 2017

    6203 Harvey Road residence continually leaves their trash bins right on the edge of the street in their front yard area. The Paradise town rules state the trash bins are to be kept out of the front yard setback which is 50’ from centerline of a public street and 30’ from centerline of a private road.

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  11. December 17 2017

    Regularly see elderly man in electric wheel chair sharing the same road space with cars and mail delivery truck. Hard to see him because of trees. Same is true for a mother with a baby in a stroller and daily pedistrians with backpacks walking in the street because there is no where else to walk. Can we get some decent sidewalks and protected bike lanes (or paths) in town please?

    Liked 3 times
  12. December 17 2017

    Fix all roads, and add more lanes, there is also no sidewalks in paradise, and there is very dangerous roads, This makes it hard for people to want to buy homes here because of how unsafe and scary roads can be. Also change the one way roads with cars on each side, the least they need is railings.

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  13. December 17 2017

    The whole town need to be fixed

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  14. December 16 2017

    Being a pedestrian or riding a bicycle seems suicidal on the hill tor turns on Roe Rd berween Neal and Foster Rds.
    I would like to ride a bike to town, but much to scarey hete. Many people drive 40 mph plus!

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  15. December 16 2017

    This a 45 mph zone!!!
    There should be a Stop Sign put somewhere, or a roundabout.
    It is real scarey on the early morning, especially when the waste pickup trucks are stopped blocking one lane and people drive through at 60 mph plus!
    Don’t know why anyone would live or do bussiness below Pearson Rd. People aredriving too fast.
    I don’t recall seeing a cop here in 15 years or more.

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  16. December 16 2017

    While waiting at stop sign on Buschman Rd, this corner has shrubery which obscure view of vehicles approaching on Foster Rd. You then have to enter crosstraffic before you can see.
    Also there are pedestrians who have to walk the ditches at all hours on Foster, atleast between Roe and Bike Path.

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  17. December 16 2017

    I live on the corner of Wagstaff and Oliver. Coming from Oliver toward Wagstaff, I have to cross the road on a blind corner to get into my driveway. Also sidewalks would be appreciated to make the area more pedestrian/ biker friendly

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  18. December 15 2017

    Speed bumps and sidewalks needed throughout Valley View to avoid head ons and to help pedestrian safety. Lots of speeding and swerving due to lack of room and long straight a ways.

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  19. December 15 2017

    Agreed with speed bumps around curve and on long straight portions. Sidewalks on one or both sides of street dire for walking safety! I've seen people jump into ditch because of no walking room and cars swerve into oncoming traffic to avoid pedestrians and bicyclists.

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  20. December 14 2017

    Entire block is a deathtrap responsible for a severe vehicle vs pedestrian injury in 2016. Worst spot is across from the fruit stand where the tiny shoulder disappears, forcing cyclists and pedestrians into the traffic lane or gutter. Vehicles entering Skyway from the Optimo imperil southbound cyclists forced to the edge of the pavement where they are harder to see. 80' right-of-way is plenty to make this safe for all road users, and building permits should have been contingent on it. Commercial expansion will otherwise exacerbate the mayhem.

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  21. December 13 2017

    This road is too narrow for all the traffic it receives. With all of the Northern Recycling trucks going down it every day and people speeding and passing on the double lane, I would say this is the most dangerous road in the town. There is a white line on each side but you can't bike or walk without risking your life.

    Liked 4 times
  22. December 13 2017

    Needs a turn lane into Achieve School as cars get backed way up here.

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  23. December 13 2017

    We need police and radar on Neal Road.
    Speed is posted 30 / 35 people are doing 50_ 60 heading both directions!

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  24. December 13 2017

    Pentz Rd needs hospital signs and some lighting along road at night.

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  25. December 13 2017

    New Skyway in Paradise on the windy two lane road heading towards Magalia, needs a turn out, to pull-over to let drivers pass if necessary; somewhere towards the center or wherever available.

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