Comments for “Transportation System Plan Update”

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  1. May 03 2018

    Cars on northbound 185th turning right onto Cornell frequently treat the bike lane as a turn lane, often stacking three or four vehicles deep. This makes it dangerous and frustrating to try riding through this intersection.

  2. May 03 2018

    Max Blue should go straight to airport. or at least have one that is an express that does not stop as often.

  3. May 02 2018

    This intersection is a 4-way stop. Many, many drivers never stop at the stop sign. only half a block from Mooberry Elementary, this is a recipe for disaster. Please please consider an overhead flashing red light or speed bumps -- before fatality is the impetus.

  4. May 02 2018

    Enforce the rule that the left lane is reserved for passing and faster moving traffic, and that traffic using the left lane must yield to traffic wishing to overtake. Many go 10 miles UNDER the speed limit, and these drivers impeding traffic are as dangerous as those that speed. Why do police not pull drivers over for impeding traffic like other states do???

  5. May 02 2018

    Taking the train to the airport is great, but there needs to be long term parking to use the train! If you only allow 24 hour parking, Where do folks park near the Max if they are taking the train to the airport and won't be back for a week? Sunset or other locations are too far to go and defeats the purpose of taking the train.

  6. May 02 2018

    Fix the traffic lights so they are "timed" for someone that drives the speed limit to make it from the west side to the east side and vice versa without pause. It is maddening to stop at every single stop light! The traffic should flow.

  7. May 02 2018

    Fix the traffic lights so they are "timed" for someone that drives the speed limit to make it from the west side to the east side and vice versa without pause. It is maddening to stop at every single stop light! The traffic should flow.

  8. May 02 2018

    This light for Elam Young cars turning left onto Cornell can stay red for 3 minutes with NO traffic coming from either direction. Then when a bunch of cars are coming from both directions on Cornell, the light finally turns green and makes all those cars stop.

  9. May 02 2018

    This is a horrible intersection. The lights need to coincide with eachother. Traffic is always backed up here. If an expansion could be done I would do it here. And change the traffic control lights. Horrible!

  10. May 02 2018

    Needs crosswalk with light for park. Also a speedlimit sign with rader along the road. As cars speed 50+ along here.

  11. May 02 2018

    Cornell bike lane is scary and dangerous. Impossible to cross or turn left.

  12. May 02 2018

    When the orenco station loop was re-paved, it should have had a cobble-stone/rumble texture for the surface to assert the fact that it is a pedestrian plaza and cars are guests here. It is a huge missed opportunity which can still be fixed for cheap.

  13. May 02 2018

    During rush hour (4-6pm) it's difficult to get out of the neighborhood due to the Intel traffic. We need a stop light somewhere along Century Blvd to make it possible to get out of the neighborhood.

  14. May 02 2018

    Can we please get rid of this meaningless traffic light and put in a traffic circle instead? This will A) control speeding and keep vehicles operating at a safe speed B) reduce waiting time for the majority of through vehicles who have to wait for the lone shopper turning left and C) annoy me less and keep me from cursing it every time it is red.

  15. May 02 2018

    The new stop here on red is very confusing for most drivers. Isn't it legal to turn right on a red after stopping? Some drivers go after stopping, others just sit and wait for the light to change. It needs better signage.

  16. May 02 2018

    Thank you so much for putting in this roundabout here. It used to force me to navigate two T junctions while coming from meek rd going west towards scotch church rd. This has simplified the transition and ensured the traffic speeds stay low/safe.

  17. May 02 2018

    The 5ft bike lane on Cornell Rd going east at this location has a large sunken grate with a dip mighty enough to catch the most experienced folks off guard. This is just a tragedy waiting to happen with 50mph+ fast traffic inches away and a newbie rider falling in their path due to the large dip which is more like a smooth paved pothole with a metal grate at the bottom.

  18. May 02 2018

    Hey Regal Cinemas, where are your bicycle parking racks?

  19. May 02 2018

    Hey Fred Meyer, why don't you have bicycle racks?

  20. May 02 2018

    Bicycle lanes that just disappear after a couple of blocks are stupid. Sorry that we have to make up for the sins of the fathers that didn't build the city correctly, but sidewalk and bike paths are a must for cities of the future.

  21. May 02 2018

    Imlay Ave is dangerous. It needs to have sidewalks and bike lanes added.

  22. May 02 2018

    Need bicycle lane at NW Quatama Rd near NW Cornelius Pass Rd

  23. May 02 2018

    Northbound traffic frequently drifts into the center turning lane, risking head-on collisions with southbound traffic turning onto Golden. Pylons or rumble strips are needed on the East edge of the center lane.

  24. May 02 2018

    Kids walking alone this road after school lets out. Please make a proper sidewalk, it is very dangerous at the moment.

  25. May 02 2018

    Terrible area goes from two lanes to one. Was rear ended here last September. Backed up all the time.