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East Idaho Avenue Refinement Area Plan

The City of Ontario and Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) are working on a corridor plan for East Idaho Avenue from Interstate 84 to the Snake River that will improve safety and mobility for all people, as well as the aesthetics of the corridor. Interstate 84 (I-84) divides the city's fast-growing commercial area along E Idaho Avenue from the city's housing and downtown. East Idaho Avenue is one of only two roads connecting across I-84, so improving this connection is critical to allowing Ontario residents to access jobs and shopping opportunities.

We want to hear from you about how the City and ODOT can improve E Idaho Avenue. Are there challenges that you have in traveling along the road? Are there area or parts of the road that you would like to see improved?

The map on this page will allow you to add your comments on how the city can make improvements to this street.

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  • Adding a comment: Double-click to add a point on the map. Click in the comment link in the dialog box to provide a comment, or click the link to reset the map and remove the point.

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