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Tigard Walks

StepUp Studio, a team of Portland State University urban planning students, is seeking input from the community to craft a pedestrian plan that reflects the values of Tigard’s residents.

Our project, called Tigard Walks, aims to improve opportunities for active transportation by looking for ways to connect local streets and the existing off-street trail network to make walking to neighborhood destinations easier and more comfortable. Specifically, the plan will propose approaches to enhance pedestrian connections to schools, local businesses, activity centers, parks, and the city’s network of off-street trails.

Please make a note on the map comment tool about your experiences walking, opinions about pedestrian connections in your neighborhood and how to better reach everyday destinations on foot. Your comments will inform strategies to make Tigard more walkable!

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1) Review the various existing and proposed pedestrian facilities identified on the map. You may zoom in or out or turn on a satellite image by using the Google Map tools on the map.

2) Provide feedback on existing or proposed facilities by clicking on a line, click "Add Comment" in the blue information box, then provide your comment in the green box on the left side of the screen.

3) Provide comments about potential new facility locations by double clicking anywhere on the map.