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Wickiup Junction Refinement Plan - Public Open House #1

The Wickiup Junction Refinement Plan process is working to identify a short-, mid-, and long-term plan to manage and improve the US 97 highway corridor through the Wickiup Junction area of north La Pine.

The Wickiup Junction Refinement Plan is needed to improve safety and mobility for all modes of transportation through the Wickiup Junction area. This area is in need of a well-planned multimodal grid system that supports mobility, planned land uses, and economic, livability, and public safety needs.

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The project team has just completed the existing and future (no-build) conditions analysis and need your input!

Using this interactive map, comment with your feedback about the transportation system within the Wickiup Junction study area (blue boundary).

Just double click a location on the map and type your thoughts in the comment box that appears on the left!

Tell us about operational, safety, and/or multimodal concerns you see on the ground that we should consider. This will help us start the next phase of the project - evaluate project alternatives.

We appreciate your help!