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Tuolumne County Evacuation Needs Assessment

Tuolumne County Transportation Council and the Tuolumne County Office of Emergency Services are leading a study to identify locations and communities at higher risk from wildfire and develop strategies to improve evacuation roadway capacity and communication to improve the County’s wildfire resiliency and preparedness.

Please help our study by sharing any comments or concerns you have related to roadway constraints for evacuations (e.g, congestion, limited access, etc.). You can also “like” the comments that you agree with.

Note: To change the basemap, select your preferred basemap in the top left corner of the map.

Nota: Para cambiar el estilo de mapa, seleccione su estilo de mapa de preferencia en la esquina superior izquierda del mapa.

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Having trouble viewing or using the map? Please contact Grace Carsky at with your comments.


1. Zoom in

2. Double click on the map

3. Fill in the comments box


1. Use el zoom para acercarse

2. Haga doble clic sobre el mapa. Una ventanilla aparecerá con instrucciones para comentar. Comente sobre un punto en específico mediante un clic al enlace azul “here” en la ventanilla o continúe presionando sobre el mapa para dibujar una línea. ¿Se equivocó? No hay problema, puede resetear el mapa presionando “reset the map”.

3. Complete el cuadro de comentarios verde.