US 1 Corridor Improvement Program (CIP): Phase II
The intent of Phase II of the US 1 Corridor Improvement Program (CIP) is to build on the results of Phase I which concluded with the identification of multi-modal transportation improvements along US 1 from the Brevard County line to I-95 in Ormond Beach. Although there is a desire from the communities along US 1 to improve pedestrian, bicycle and transit travel along (and across) US 1, the way these modes would be served are conceived in different ways throughout the corridor (for example, bicycle travel may be planned as a bike lane in some areas of US 1 and a multi-modal trail along US 1 in other areas).
Phase II helps to determine the most effective way to have US 1 serve all users and modes of transportation along the corridor, and across the corridor. If desired, long-term transition of US 1 to a Complete Street/Complete Place will require changes in how both FDOT and some of the local communities view the roadway and how the space can be allocated to better serve transit, bicycles and pedestrians while still maintaining suitable automobile capacity and speeds. Phase II will help to ensure that transportation investments best position FDOT to address these recent challenges in incorporating livability and sustainability as critical considerations in transportation planning and decision-making. “Community Districts” and “Character Districts and Gaps” will be defined along the corridor, which will be the basis for how bikes, pedestrians, transit and auto mobility should be considered. These districts will represent the existing and future land use context, community character and future desired role of the roadway right-of-way from the perspective of the communities and stakeholders.
The potential cross sections found in this map are the first DRAFT of potential strategies to address multimodal travel along the corridor and do not reflect official local municipality decisions.