Comments for “SR 80 Corridor Action Plan”

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  1. December 10 2015

    The large number of side streets from Royal Palm Estates and others connecting to SR80 on the north side could be reduced significantly if these streets were connected by a road that would follow along the canal and could connect to major roads such as Haverhill Road to the east and Jog Road to the west. Cross-overs along SR80 should be reduced and no new connectors for development should be added.

    Liked 6 times
  2. December 09 2015

    Should be turned into an interchange or the right-of-way should be bought before development encroaches on the intersection. With the future development to the north this intersection would see tremendous growth.

    Liked 7 times
  3. December 09 2015

    Traffic flow would greatly improve without this light

    Liked 7 times