Comments for “Klamath Falls Urban Trail Master Plan”
In my experience, this is a very difficult crossing. I think a flashing light similar to the OC&E crossing of Washburn is needed for safety and to encourage trail use.
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I think that you should consider improvements on this stretch of Shasta so that there is a direct route to Fred Meyer and Sherm's. Now that there is no grocery store downtown, people will want to walk or bike along this route.
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This road is common with cycling enthusiasts looking for a good workout. No shoulder means bikes must compete with traffic going 55+mph. I personally have had two truck mirrors bounced off my helmet on this stretch of road.
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Would like to see this extended all the way to Running-Y. I know this is a common route for cyclists and the addition of a real bike lane could result in more traffic to/from the area.
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More speed limit signs are needed all along both sides of Eldorado between here and Campus Drive. Many drivers treat this narrow, 25-mph neighborhood street like a 35-mph boulevard.
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This intersection needs marked crosswalks and some kind of speed control. It is a major pedestrian walkway, including for KU students. The speeding on Esplanade and Eldorado is out of control.
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Fixing the sidewalk and signing it as a bike/ pedestrian shared path seems to be a good idea. I ride this regularly on my way to work @ skylakes, and early in the morning the (narrow and storm grated) lane is ok with limited traffic but not safe with more traffic, or heading south and one section of the sidewalk is terrible, needs to be fixed
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To me, a far more important goal in this area would be to build a sidewalk on the NE side of Eldorado from Lexington Ave and Euclid Ave. I bicycle on this road regularly and it works ok, but it is unsafe for pedestrian commuters to Oregon Tech, the hospital and other businesses.
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At minimum, fixing the drains and crossing at Earle Street is needed. Every time it rains, mud and standing water accumulate at this crossing.
I use this area regularly, and it has good potential since it is quite wide, despite the heavy traffic on the street and the broken-down curbs. A protective barrier between pedestrians/cyclists and the street might be feasible here.Liked 0 times -
Signage and a pedestrian refuge similar to the one that exists on Homedale at Brixner School would be really helpful here, as well as at the OC&E crossings of Altamont and Summers Lane.
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The "bike path" up to Sky Lakes/OIT desperately needs resurfacing.
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If not rerouted (as commenters on the Esplanade crossing have suggested), the sidewalk/path along Crater Lake Parkway needs to be re-done badly -- it's a nightmare on anything with wheels, and even when jogging. Perhaps turning it (or the sidewalk on the south side of Crater Lake Parkway other side of the street) into a protected bike lane)?
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Smoother walking and biking connections between Discover Klamath, the Link River Trail, downtown, Veterans Park, the back side of Moore Park, and the Wingwatcher's Trail are needed. This area could be a major nexus for bike/pedestrian connections, but everything has to run over some very busy bridges, and signage is poor.
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I agree with the other comment- Crater Lake Parkway is a tremendously busy street, and even as an experienced cyclist/runner I avoid the sidewalk between where the bike path ends and Esplanade to connect to the A canal. Instead, I take the alley that the other commenter mentions. Please consider that even if you improve the sidewalk along Crater Lake Parkway here, pedestrians/cyclists may still avoid using it b/c there is so much road noise.
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The crossing here on the A canal trail across S 6th street seems like one of the most dangerous crossings in town (although I do not have access to city pedestrian/vehicle crash data). I have witnessed someone getting hit by a vehicle in the cross walk here. Please consider making this crossing more safe as a priority in the urban trail plan
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From Veteran Park to Riverside, can a trail be constructed under the Main St bridge, along the Link river, to come up on the North side of Main Street? An underpass.
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A Canal
This is a messy intersection indeed. Instead of competing with the Crater Lake Pkywy traffic how about routing to Melrose St via the underused ally between Crater Lake and Eldorado?
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A Canal
This is a place of great potential. I can see a parking area on Foothill that would access the Foothill trail and some great Mt biking behind the Herald & News that KTA could work on connecting to Old Fort Rd and north to Oregon Tech. There is also a need to address Mt. Bike access to Hog Back, the 5000 road that goes up to the top of Old Fort. The "A canal" crossing at Washburn is difficult as is the crossing of Crater Lake.
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Consider again the benefits of tying OC&E into East Main St. It would benefit the businesses on East Main, great Mexican Food. It is a direct route to Amtrak. The pedestrian access on Main St., North side of underpass needs a fix anyway. Many people use the southside walkway on the underpass and it is difficult to access off East Main and on Spring St.
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A Canal
I use this intersection a lot. Crossing Crater Lake Parkway could be enhanced by placing sensors in the pavement that pick up on bikes. I have seen these in Chico and Eugene. I do not have trouble crossing Main St on the "A canal path. It could be enhanced with paint and signage.
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This would also be a really nice connection, since the Moore Park area also connects to a lot of trails and recreational facilities.
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Shasta Way is a good alternate route for bicyclists that do not want to ride on South 6th. Traffic calming would also be good for people that live in the neighborhood, as people tend to speed on this road. I think this should have a higher priority.
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It seems like this might be a heavily used trail by people commuting to Kingsley Field. It is good to have on the long-range plan, but perhaps inquiries at Kingsley might result in better input for people that would use this trail often if it existed...
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