Comments for “North Boise Bicycle & Pedestrian Neighborhood Plan”

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  1. April 26 2016

    Need Bike light very, very hard to cross safely and get to park

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  2. April 26 2016

    Need Bike light... something you can activate in a bike lane.. see Vancouver BC

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  3. April 26 2016

    Need parking for bikes and needs loop running path in park.. need curb, sides walks to the end.. heavily used aresa

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  4. April 26 2016

    I have crossed on bike and on foot many many times. It is hard to cross and divides our neighborhood. We need it to be very, very pedisterian friendly!! From a Car point of view, it is very, very hard to see people, car and landscaping are bad mix for human visibility. round abouts, and must slower traffic needs.. yes a crawl... 20 miles per hour, enforced

    Liked 3 times
  5. April 26 2016

    need a way to get to Greenbelt... use back street, put signs so Bike Centric.. and note cross street watch for Bikes. Need to make this route and all route to greenbelt safe for kids... so side streets a must and notification of flashing lights you can activate if you have kids so all cross section can be flashed for say 10 minutes while you and children bike through area... make it so the biker only start it at section.. LIke fro White Water Park Blvd to 18th.. the NE connector.

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  6. April 26 2016

    Make 18th a bike collector street, then it could feed Bannock bike lane. Yet the great needs is a safe way to get to the green belt, east and west. The are of crossing Fairview and avoiding Americana needs to be worked so kids can safely get to the green belt from 18th. The area by the Red Lion and the back streets Grand Avenue to 14th could be a way to go East. need a transition at the skate ParK And a stop light to get you across River and 14th... but BIKING stop light.. Like Vancouver BC

    Liked 4 times
  7. April 26 2016

    Many bicyclists commute down 9th St. because of the direct route into downtown. There are also children, pets, and walkers in this area. Vehicles travel at a very high rate of speed on 9th and 8th because of the couplet that was formed down by Fort St. and it is north of the speed bumps that end below Eastman. Some sort of traffic calming needs to be installed on both these streets to slow down motorists in each intersection and between intersections, thus improving safety. Stop signs do not work and I've seen many motorists go through them anyway. I'd like to see small traffic circles, road paint, or something at each intersection so motorists never get their speed up and all road users feel safer. This would also improve mobility for motorists so they don't have to stop, then speed, then stop.

    Liked 3 times
  8. April 26 2016

    This intersection needs a 4 way stop.

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  9. April 26 2016

    This intersection can be dangerous for pedestrians. Regularly, I see cars not stop/ rolling stop when on 18th and typically the cars on Jefferson are driving too fast and turn too fast and don't stop for people crossing 18th street.

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  10. April 26 2016

    The little path that spurs off here from the road and connects to the GB is really bad and overgrown with grass encroaching. Perhaps we can have some repairs? It is a great connection, it just need some attention.

    Liked 5 times
  11. April 26 2016

    Traffic calming along Bella as there is a huge volume of cut-through traffic trying to avoid the Lowell 20 mph school zone. Heavily used by cyclists and children going to Lowell.

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  12. April 26 2016

    Bike route signage connecting Ellis to Jefferson/Bannock. Many cyclists use 19th to cross State headed downtown as there is much less traffic than 15th.

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  13. April 26 2016

    Some sort of connection between here and the greenbelt to avoid travelling through Vet's Park.

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  14. April 26 2016

    These sidewalks need curb ramps

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  15. April 26 2016

    This portion of Jefferson (west of 16th) is residential with a 20MPH speed limit. However, people frequently speed and use it as a cut through. It is incredibly dangerous for pedestrians and bikers.

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  16. April 26 2016

    This portion of Jefferson (west of 16th) is residential with a 20MPH speed limit. However, people frequently speed and use it as a cut through. It is incredibly dangerous for pedestrians and bikers.

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  17. April 26 2016

    Highland View Dr has become a busy street over the years, and with a potential new subdivision adding additional traffic it is becoming quite dangerous. Backing out of my driveway directly onto Highland View has become a luck of the draw if no other vehicles are coming. Speeding, along with traffic is a major concern. Boise Police is present from time to time giving out tickets/warnings at the bottom of the hill. Although it is great appreciated there is no noticeable impact of drivers slowing down. This road is also becoming more and more popular with cyclist as well. Between backing out of my own driveway, cyclists (going down hill and up), and adding speeding vehicles going unchecked I have seen far to many close calls and heard screeching tires. There is also an abundance of wildlife including deer, foxes, and raccoon's constantly crossing the road and exploring. Understanding that we all have to work together and live together sharing the road a few things come to mind in helping the safety of motorists traveling, people living on Highland View Dr, along with pedestrians and cyclists. First I would recommend multiple speed bumps up Highland View Dr, Second additional stop signs, Thirdly would be the installation of side walks for the pedestrians to keep them out of the bike lane, which cause the cyclists to be in the traffic lanes. I do not know when the last time you have driven to the top of Highland View Dr, but I do recommend a new trip to enjoy how beautiful the homes and foliage are. You will notice some tight corners and hard to see areas as if you were a speeding vehicle where pedestrians and cyclists are in immediate danger to those not paying attention.

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  18. April 26 2016

    Needed: sidewalk on north side of Hill Road between 33rd Street and 36th Street. Hillside students heading east dangerously often cross in this block, and there are no crosswalks for many blocks going east from 36th.

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  19. April 26 2016

    I placed an informative comment on the wrong part of this street. Please read the comment on the other end of Hillway Drive. That comment pertains to THIS corner. Not the other one (although it could be a problem there, too). Thank you.

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  20. April 26 2016

    Cars come down around this corner WAY too fast. It's evidenced by large rocks placed in front of mailboxes and street signs by current and prior homeowners. The street is signed for 20 MPH. Speed bumps, similar to those on the south end of N 26th near Lemp, can be strategically placed that would slow traffic effectively. We do not have sidewalks in this community and there is a growing number of families moving in with small children. It would be unfortunate if it took the death of someone before action is considered. Thank you.

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  21. April 26 2016

    I agree that people run this stop sign every day. The stop sign itself seems obscured. Maybe a stop ahead sign? It seems like the folks who blow through it are heading south toward state.

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  22. April 26 2016

    I frequently drive on this street. While bicycles have no good place to ride, many of them decide to ride in the middle of the lane so that cars can't safely pass. I believe in sharing the road, but this practice infuriates me. If there is no good place to ride on a crowded narrow street, pull over, use the sidewalk or something rather than holding up a long line of cars. At times, I feel that cyclists need to learn to share the road too. I am also a cyclist.

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  23. April 26 2016

    I ride my bike down Bannock St to work at Luke's and cars do not give room to bikers even though it's a bike lane.

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  24. April 26 2016

    West Boise morning commuters use this as a high-speed detour when traffic is backed up at Harrison and Hill Road. Texting monkeys with keys in mini vans and SUVs. Time for a massive carbon tax and get the cars out of our neighborhood. Thanks

    Liked 3 times
  25. April 26 2016

    I disagree that sidewalks should be placed on 22nd between Grace and Irene, as Elm Grove Park already serves this function.

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