Comments for “Space Coast TPO 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan - Needs List”
The project needs list includes the widening of Dairy Road. Dairy Road ends at Hibiscus Boulevard. North of Hibiscus Boulevard the street name changes to Woody Burke Road. Woody Burke Road stretches northward from Hibiscus Boulevard to NASA Boulevard and the Orlando Melbourne International Airport. The widening of this roadway segment would alleviate congestion in the Orlando Melbourne International Airport area. This area is a major employment hub for southern Brevard County.
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1. Dayton Bridge Replacement Project, Town of Melbourne Village
2. Walking Trails, Sidewalks, and Bike Paths installation.
3. Intersection Improvements on the following intersections: West Pine and South Drive, Dayton Blvd and Savannah, West Pine and Sheridan Road, Dayton Blvd and South Drive.Liked 2 times