Comments for “Eielson Air Force Base Interactive Map”
There is massive parking issues at the 354 AMXS/ 356 FS building, along with 356 AMU and 355 AMU. There is no parking 90% of the day and people are parking anywhere they can. Huge safety concern.
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Becomes a lake during breakup season. Difficult to drive through this intersection
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Leaving Kodiak St. and heading right to Flight Line Ave. is difficult during the afternoon rush home. Typically around 4:00 PM.
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open the south gate for ALL outbound traffic. This will reduce the rush hour traffic at the main gate
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Flight Line Ave should be 45MPH
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Flight Line Ave needs to be Multiple lanes with a turn lane down the center.
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Where the steam lines where dug up and the road wasn't repaired.
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The Pot hole on the out bound lane is a big issue during breakup when its filled with water/slush.
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An indicator as to which lanes are open at the gate to enter base and a second lane to exit the base. Recently a commercial vehicle broke down in the roundabout while exiting the base and blocked traffic during peak hours.
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Sharp turn that is usually very icy and causes many to slide, slows down traffic
Liked 1 time