Comments for “Winston TSP Update”

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  1. September 24 2021

    How can we safely integrate the use of e bikes into our system? They are not going anywhere and are to fast yo combine with pedestrian s and do not work well with car traffic. This activity is going to grow as e bikes become more prevalent everywhere. Also, there have been many people traveling in pedestrian paths on converted motorized bicycles. How do we enforce current laws for this? Ebikes go seamlessly from bike lanes to sidewalks yo roadways causing hazards.

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  2. September 24 2021

    How can we allow for all modes of transportation to operate in together. If your running in town it is not safe because cars travel too fast and are not looking out for pedestrians who have few choices of where they can travel safely. Even walk in on the sidewalks in town foot traffic is in danger because driverrs entering traffic pull up to and stop on the sidewalks to see if the coast is clear. Problem is that they are looking left to turn right while moving forward simultaneously into the pedestrian sidewalks. As a driver the speed limits are not obeyed in Winston. The norm seems to be 35-40. That is not safe for the amount of activity and different modes of traffic. For example, if I'm traveling the speed limit of 30 there's always someone on my bumper through town, how scary if I need to stop abruptly for a child at on of the crosswalks. Again, how can we slow traffic down through Winston.

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  3. September 24 2021

    How can we perform better maintenance on the roads we already have? Have you seen the roads back here? Also just about every intersection going onto Main Street in town is hazardous to cross on foot due to.risk of sprained ankle. Would like to emphasize value of our current tax dollars with our current infrastructure.

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  4. September 24 2021

    Again, how can we slow traffic down people regularly drive over 40 through this 25. I used to drive, run and cycle through here to de-stress. Now, it is just plain dangerous. There are more people and no ways for them to commute.

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  5. September 24 2021

    Winston has such wonderful attributes. We have a RIVER! I used to take my kids down here by foot to enjoy it but now it is a homeless camp. What if we were to provide was for residents to safely travel along our wonderful RIVER. Wouldn't it be great to be able to travel from the middle school to the high school along a RIVER path? Also, providing safe access to and along the river could prove a value to residents by providing recreational opportunities like tubing, fishing, stand up paddle boarding, swimming and picnicking. This could attract growth to create economies of scale to upgrade our community.

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  6. September 24 2021

    How can we slow traffic down to travel safely by car, foot, or bicycle in Winton? It is not safe. I have lived here for 16 years and still do not feel comfortable to commute with family by foot. This spot is where I was given the finger while being passed as I was traveling 30 mph by a crosswalk. Also, I have been passed during school hours obeying the speed limit on Thompson and same thing on 42 in the school one by the Dairy Queen. Again, how can we get people to slow down in our town to make it safe for all types of transportation?

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  7. September 24 2021

    We could benefit greatly from a traffic light here. It is dangerous to cross Lookinglass road and the highway for both pedestrians and for drivers.

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  8. September 24 2021

    There is an opportunity to create safer access to the bicycle path by going under the green bridge. Also, to make this safer we must advocate adherance to leash laws and non-motorized vehicle laws. In addition, better coordination with Roseburg to make usage of the path safer by protecting users and drivers at intersections.

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