Comments for “New Hampshire Avenue Corridor Study”
Due to street design, drivers commonly exceed the speed limit here by a great amount. It feels unpleasant and dangerous for people walking, cycling, or driving the speed limit. This corridor needs serious traffic calming to slow drivers, such as narrower lanes and lower speed limits.
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This rural style highway interchange makes it very uncomfortable and dangerous to walk. Drivers feel they are in an automobile oriented environment, yet pedestrians and cyclists need to walk through here to access shopping and the library. Many forgo the trip because it feels so uncomfortable and dangerous. Normal intersections instead of slip lanes would do a lot to calm traffic and slow down drivers.
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As the Hillandale Local Park nears completion(?) the traffic danger continues to menace locals. I would like to see a traffic camera (or cameras) on New Hampshire Ave covering the entrances to 1) our fire house; 2) our local park, and 3) CHI.
Would also like to see new BRT etc. driver vetted and safety measures upgraded for these busses to travel in the area.
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As a pedestrian, crossing where southbound New Hampshire turns right onto Piney Branch is very difficult. There is a crosswalk, but cars/trucks/buses tend to pick up speed coming down hill (even with the new 35mph speed limit), and they can't see pedestrians trying to cross until they are right at the crosswalk and it is too late to stop. Similarly, crossing New Hampshire anywhere there is no traffic light is dangerous. I live on the west side of New Hampshire, so I feel comfortable taking the bus southbound to the Metro. But coming home, I choose a different bus route because I don't want to be dropped off on the east side of New Hampshire (at St Michael & all angels church) and try to cross New Hampshire.
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Walking from the Oakview neighborhood to Hillandale Shopping Center is an unpleasant and life-threatening experience.
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This is so very true. I cannot travel by foot to the store from Oakview; it is too dangerous. Perhaps a pedestrian walkway of some sort could be created?
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As there are metro bus stops on BOTH sides of New Hampshire Ave., and no defined crosswalk, there should be a LIT crosswalk OR traffic light at New Hampshire & Ruatan. There are countless accidents- pedestrian as well as motor vehicle, monthly at that intersection, it’s impossible to safely cross NewHampshire Ave to get on the K6 bus. Also, the “No Left Turn” sign is ALWAYS disregarded.
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I have biked from Metzerott to Sligo and the reverse, but its terrifying and I don't do it anymore. I'm an extremely confident cyclist (I will bike along stretches of University or Sligo) but I just avoid NH Ave and take the bus instead. Even when it would be faster to ride my bike.
I would be interested in seeing some kind of protected bike/bus lane (or even better separated bus and bike lanes).
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I know it is outside of the scope of this study, but I'd love to see any extension of the NW Branch Trail underneath 495 up to Colesville. I live just north of the Beltway, and I commute on my bike into DC twice a week. I currently have to go quite out of my way and bike on the sidewalk on Colesville, which is less than ideal. Please pass this along, thank you!
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I agree. There is no safe way to bike up from Piney Branch to the other side of the Beltway.
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I tend to get frustrated with the current RideOn 22 and the Flash routes that go to the FDA... I have not once been on a bus that has dropped anyone off or picked anyone up at the FDA. It feels like wasted time each time. To me, a dedicated stop on New Hampshire is sufficient and people can walk the little bit to get into the FDA.
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Walking or biking around the Beltway interchange is scary, and the pedestrian crash data there proves it. People make poor decisions because the pedestrian signals take forever to give you the right-of-way. Trying to bike through here is a nightmare because the sidewalks are so narrow and filled with debris. I am a confident cyclist but refuse to take a lane here since I am not confident drivers will see me and not make dangerous maneuvers. Updates to the pedestrian and bicycle flow here are a must as part of this project.
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I agree. We are really only able to take a car to leave Oakview and go to the Hillandale shopping center when to be a truly walkable community we need to be able to walk safely. There is no safe way to walk or bike to the shopping center. Both the off and on ramps are too dangerous and so is the light at New Hampshire.
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The intersection of Cresthaven Drive and New Hampshire Avenue is stressful. Turning left from Cresthaven feels like a death wish. I opt for Chalmers instead with the light, but I would love some sight-line updates at Cresthaven so I feel better driving through that area.
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