Comments for “Yavapai County Regionally Significant Roads Study - Iron Springs Rd”

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  1. October 26 2022

    There is a constant flow of small rocks/pebbles that are present on the road surface at this location that are kicked up by the tires of vehicles. It seems that the rocks are present on the road surfaces of the mine (ramps) and then carried over by the tires of the trucks and/or the wind. This should be discussed with the mine and the situation mitigated by regular sweeping within and around the mine. I am tired of getting the paint job and the windshield of my vehicle chipped/cracked.

  2. October 26 2022

    Please NO MAN CAMP development ! No subdivisions under 2 acre lot size. This development size will harm the rural nature of Skull Valley and negatively affect utilities, water consumption and available commerce. NO MAN CAMP DEVELOPMENT PERMITS!

  3. October 26 2022

    This road has needed improved and widened for some years. With the truck traffic increasing due to the mine in Skull Valley the deterioration will happen even faster. There should be no plans approved for large scale housing developments or zoning changes made as this will just increase the traffic. There needs to be wider shoulders for the bicyclists, more passing lanes and more presence of the sheriff's department.

  4. October 26 2022

    RV, Semi-truck and equipment hauling vehicles are at a crawl for that last mile heading eastbound, thus passing on the double yellow is a common event. Requesting eastbound passing lane for at least quarter to one half mile long be added. Since all commercial traffic moved from Hwy. 89 to Iron Springs Rd. years ago, ADOT funding should take part in this bottleneck issue.

  5. October 26 2022

    Not sure I have the marker correct but the current section of no passing approaching Contreras and Dosie Pits is a problem. There is a great need to have a pull out for both directions in the area for the amount of slow moving trucks, trailers and mobile homes on this road which attributes to people passing unsafely! I drive this road Monday - Friday and see it all the time.

  6. October 26 2022

    Please widen and clearly mark shoulders. Also add more signs that say “Share the Road“ and signs that say “3 Feet for Cycles”It’s the law.”

  7. October 26 2022

    The new mine on this road has increased traffic. There are few passing lanes all along this road, but people pass anyway, creating a safety hazard. Please add more passing lanes and please, please, please do not change zoning to allow for any more than the current 1 house per 2 acres. The increased traffic would exacerbate the problems.

  8. October 26 2022

    Absolutely no shoulder on this road from the RR tunnel/trestle at Dickson Road (?) all the way to Kirkland. With the dramatic increase in traffic in the past four or five years walkers, runner and bicyclists are at great danger of being hit by cars, pickup trucks, utility trucks and mining trucks. Add at least three feet of paved road on either side of the road,

  9. October 26 2022

    Any increase in zoning density in this area would add to an already existing problem with traffic on Iron Springs. A reasonable increase in the speed limit might relieve some of the frustration that many drivers obviously feel. I have been driving this road since the 1950’s. All trucks used 89 then. The county should place the same ban on Iron Springs that the State does on 89.

  10. October 26 2022

    It is impossible to pass along this stretch of road, on the downhill before Contreras. And becoming increasingly dangerous. Cars and trucks drive way too fast and pass on the yellow line, causing great concern for the safety of all traffic. A passing lane should be added along this stretch and perhaps other areas of Iron Springs as well.

  11. October 26 2022

    We take Contreras Road from Iron Springs to get to our house. The stretch of road in this marked location (Iron Springs before Contreras coming from Prescott) is becoming increasingly dangerous. There needs to be a passing lane here. Vehicles are driving over the speed limit and passing along this stretch of road, sometime coming very close to head on collisions with oncoming traffic.

  12. October 26 2022

    We have been driving Iron Springs into Prescott and down to the valley since 2003. We have seen the increase in traffic and heavy trucks during that time. There is very little opportunity to pass slower traffic and this causes impatient drivers to take risky chances. Passing lanes would be a much needed improvement.

  13. October 26 2022

    This section just south of the train overpass goes down to 35 and then 25 miles an hour. I live in the 35 mph area and drivers are still going 60mph+. I propose speed bumps are added to further slow these impatient drivers.

  14. October 26 2022

    There are no passing areas in this stretch of the road. The road is already too congested and it is causing people to pass in this area even though it is a double yellow and unsafe to do so. I have even seen people try and pass multiple cars at a time almost causing head on collisions with oncoming traffic. If any developments are built in Kirkland or Skull Valley I can't even imagine the fatalities that will occur from more congestion on the road, this will only amplify an already existing problem.

  15. October 26 2022

    We have used this road since the 1980’s before the previous work was done to elongate curves etc between skyline road and Prescott. It is a a main thoroughfare for travel between skill valley and Prescott and Prescott to Phoenix with the weekend traffic on I17 being what it is. It was closed last month due to an accident between iron springs and skull valley. It is our concern that with or without a major overhaul it would not be able to handle additional traffic from skull valley to Prescott if there was a population increase to that area.

  16. October 26 2022

    If at all possible adding a third lane as a passing lane anywhere it could be done between the Skull Valley cemetary and Prescott. Iron Springs Rd will always be a challenging road. The county needs to give serious consideration to any developing that increases the traffic load of Iron Springs Rd.