Comments for “Main Streets on Halsey”
Nobody EVER stops at this crosswalk and people come flying well over the speed limit from both directions. As previous comment mentioned, it’s a blind corner as well. With the speed of drivers, it’s possible to be already in the crosswalk as someone drives up to it too fast, not intending to stop.
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A safe and well lit crossing and bus stop leaving Edgefield would do wonders for this immediate area. Imagine the traffic reduction if most people leaving summer concerts confidently and safely caught the 77. Imagine the reduction in drunk driving. It's all wins.
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To elaborate, a marked crosswalk and sidewalks (e.g. not standing in a ditch) should be part of providing clear bus service connections on both sides of Halsey
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This blind corner which narrows offers little room for bikers to manever with no bike lane leading upo to 257th. Also there is a need for a flashing light crossing due to increased pedestrian traffic to the Troutdale food carts, speed limit enforcement is an issue here.
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a intersection next to a middle school with a bike path that needs safe crossing options. The bike path (Fairview Gresham Path) needs to be repaved, but the intersection needs protected options for multimodal transportation, this will definitely be part of a safe routes to school infrastructure in the future. Also the bike path will connect to the 40-mile loop at Marine drive soon but are we thinking Halsey may be an extension of the 40-mile loop to Troutdale?
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I have ridden from Troutdale via Halsey to the Fairview-Gresham trail multiple times in the past few years. I certainly would appreciate better support from Halsey onto the trail.
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What a way to make cars slow down for kids! This location is noted for speeding as I have been passed and watched your speed light illuminate more times than I can count. Good place for a red/green game with drivers and kids in charge. Add traffic calming some street murals and a reminder to slow down for the next generation. Seems like this section should be part of a safe routes to school?
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Allow businesses to utilize adjacent parking locations in summer as outdoor temporary seating option/remove for winter.
Pilot project: same applies to bike parking, allow business to place bikes in parking location for summer months, will avoid bikes in walkways and next to Restaurant. But will enhance use of multimodal options. Also placing bike racks at the end of each street is nice for show they will never be used unless they are next to a location bikers utilize. Maybe a secure location to store your bike at the bus stop? last mile option in future design.Liked 0 times
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Install alternate bike route to Troutdale Road arrow green turn sign with sharrows on road. Provides bikers direction
to safely transition to Troutdale Road/Gresham via Third and Sandy rather than taking 257th or Buxton. Also has potential as safe route to school, Troutdale elementary.Liked 0 times
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Future site of Troutdale Bike Hub? Currently the Visitors center but could integrate confluence planning with hub/bike repair/possible business location for bike rentals into Gorge? Centrally located as bus stop for Gorge Transit system. and connects to 40-mile loop via confluence in future. also, location for workers to take bus to work location.
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Install rotary or island as speed calming and ability to cross for bikes and peds. Central location for bikers to cross over to Robertson Park to take short cut greenways in wood village neighborhoods. this is the section where everything ends need to create a slowing device for cars going west and prevent speed up from cars heading east toward Edgefield. Lots of kids in this area and families on weekends going to park.
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Halsey north of Edgefield and parking, install street lighting, provide wider lanes for bikes and other multimodal options, utilize buffers, install completed sidewalks. Second option install combined sidewalk and bike path on south side for multi-use removes people from street. install rotaries to slow down traffic at parking turnoffs for Edgefield. create a covered bus stop for those who do not drive and could use transit or walk/bike.
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Install traffic light with protected intersection. We have tried a number of stop options to decrease traffic, the right turn without stopping is dangerous and will result in injury to walkers. the current system is not working for downtown traffic put is placing emphasis on moving traffic through Troutdale downtown to other suburbs to the south. Not conducive to a main street or complete street design. Additionally, speed limits need to be enforced in the area as well and traffic calming techniques utilized. As a resident I should be able to walk or bike safely from 257th to Troutdale Bridge with my children. This section does not encourage this process.
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Intersection of 257th/Graham Road and Old Columbia River Highway, needs traffic signal updates for enforcement of speeding and light violations. Increase the amount of time for walker/bikers/ADA to cross intersection. Install protected intersections with green bike boxes leading up to intersection with protected islands to have cars slow down for turns. Set up traffic calming on the north side of intersection to slow down trucks and SUV's. Decrease speed on south 257th. Install limited number of cars left turn option on Graham. Large number of cars take Halsey to Buxton Troutdale Road as short cut rather than to go downtown or as residents of city. Force traffic to proceed forward up Graham hill and utilize other turns on 257th.
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With the new addition of the apartments and condos on the northwest corner of 223rd and Halsey, we will see an increase of traffic. Traffic at the intersection of Halsey and 223rd gets severely backed up already. With anticipation of extra traffic, a right hand turn only lane on 223rd southbound will alleviate a lot of backup. It would be a welcome addition to the neighborhood for both local residents like myself, and commuters traveling through our community.
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I am confused, why is there no right-hand turn into the apartment complex from 223rd? can one be designed? Not a fan of no stopping right hand turn with a major pedestrian and bike crossing intersection, we tried it in Troutdale, and it has failed miserably, and that intersection is quite larger with more traffic. Would require some safety upgrades as well such as turning island...ADA thoughts? Thinking about how cars
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are backing up, how many are using wood village as a transition to Gresham/Boring/Sandy? Maybe it's time for a higher speed connector to 26?Regarding this intersection 223 & Halsey. Driving Northbound on 223rd just past the intersection, new apartments are currently under construction. The apt driveway entrance is less than a block from the intersection. Many tenants will want to make a Left turn into the apt entrance. (223rd is a single lane both directions at that point with No sidewalks. When a vehicle stops to turn left into the entrance (currently construction vehicles are doing this and traffic backs up badly through the (223rd&Halsey) intersection. This could be a serious problem once the volume of tenants picks up.
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The same thing happens again a 1/2 block further down the street on 223rd at Lincoln St. Vehicles headed Northbound, stop at Lincoln St to make a left turn, which is a long wait due to high volume opposing traffic traveling Southbound on 223rd. Making the stopped vehicle a target to be rear-ended. Comment by Area Resident.