Comments for “Improving Safety on Route 291”

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  1. May 22 2024

    At the intersection of the Ave of the States and 291 was the former Chester "Market Square" first laid out by William Penn in 1682. In 1957 when the streets were widened ~ 22' was taken from the Old Swedish Burial Ground on both 3rd/291 and Welsh and from the adjacent park on the 291 side. Cars traveling from west to east fly through this stretch as the earth slopes to the south east. In Jan 2023 two cars were drag racing and hit the cemetery wall doing major damage. The 380 year-old graveyard and adjacent park are being rehabbed. This "Market Square" area would be an excellent place for the road diet reclaiming some of the historic land and installing a traffic calming design. The graveyard needs to be protected from rogue traffic as it is the oldest cemetery in PA. A signer of the Declaration of Independence is also buried there. The cars stopped less than 10' from his 1845 obelisk monument!

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  2. May 22 2024

    At the intersection of the Ave of the States and 291 was the former Chester "Market Square" first laid out by William Penn in 1682. In 1957 when the streets were widened ~ 22' was taken from the Old Swedish Burial Ground on both 3rd/291 and Welsh and from the adjacent park on the 291 side. Cars traveling from west to east fly through this stretch as the earth slopes to the south east. In Jan 2023 two cars were drag racing and hit the cemetery wall doing major damage. The 380 year-old graveyard and adjacent park are being rehabbed. This "Market Square" area would be an excellent place for the road diet reclaiming some of the historic land and installing a traffic calming design. The graveyard needs to be protected from rogue traffic as it is the oldest cemetery in PA. A signer of the Declaration of Independence is also buried there. The cars stopped less than 10' from his 1845 obelisk monument!

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  3. May 21 2024

    The crosswalk timer at 291 at Welsh needs to be extended. The cars fly so fast through there it is not safe to enter the crosswalk until all of the cars are stopped. As such, there is not enough time to get across the 6 lanes before the timer expires. It is very dangerous to cross there to get to the cemetery and adjacent park.

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  4. September 05 2023

    Major safety hazard where the bridge crossing Ridley Creek meets the road. In the Southbound left lane especially there is a huge gap and mismatch where the bridge starts. It sounds and feels like your car is exploding when you hit it at even a moderate, ~35mph, speed. I cannot imagine how many people have bent rims, broken suspension if not worse from the condition of this area. Please fix this area.

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  5. April 15 2023

    John Heinz NWR provides a low-stress connection for bike commuters. However there is high speed vehicle traffic on the Wannamaker Ave access from Rt 291, making this section especially dangerous particularly due to the on-off traffic from I-95. A separate walking and biking trail with safer access would be a benefit for all.

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  6. April 15 2023

    Lack of bike lane on EB Rt 291 from Harrah's Blvd to Darby Creek creates an unsafe condition where bicyclists must ride in the travel lane with high-speed vehicle traffic. I commuter this section of Rt. 291 daily from my home in Philadelphia to my work in Chester. Thank you for working to create safer biking conditions for all!

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  7. April 11 2023

    Please reduce the width of Rt 291 and redesign it to accommodate safe, comfortable movement for all modes -- even people driving -- and to improve conditions for people living and working along the corridor. A separated trail along 291 and safe, signalized crossings with medians would provide residents with walking, running, and biking access to the waterfront, which really inhumane design has kept people away from for too long. This project is such a terrific opportunity to right the wrongs of planning past and improve the health and vitality of a neighborhood.

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  8. April 11 2023

    Thank you for providing us with the opportunity to comment on the Route 291 project. Please implement a road diet that provides significant traffic calming measures to reduce speeding and increase bicycle and pedestrian accessibility for all users. Please implement safe pedestrian crossings and a shared use path to carryout the need for active transportation via the Circuit Trails and the East Coast Greenway.

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  9. April 10 2023

    All through this proposed road diet area, there is an opportunity and a necessity to create real, clear, physically protected bike lanes (not merely plastic bollards). Because this is the East Coast Greenway, and the current truck and speed rates on 291 are so egregious, the only workable solution is a raised multidirecitonal biking lane or another biking solution that creates a clear physical barrier. Thank you.

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  10. April 10 2023

    Please implement a road diet with robust physical traffic calming interventions to reduce speeding and increase bike/pedestrian access for people of all ages and abilities. This should include new pedestrian crossings with median islands and traffic signals to stop traffic for pedestrians. Also, please replace the excess travel lane space from the road diet with a shared use path along the East Coast Greenway and create connections to green spaces like Ethel Waters Park and the future Greenway on Norris St down to the Riverfront Trail and destinations.

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    May 14 2024

    I agree with this sentiment. When connecting greenspaces there is a cemetery and small park right down the street to the east from Ethel Waters Park.

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  11. April 01 2023

    Would be great to have a safe bike lane on this stretch of 291.

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