Comments for “West Hills Road”

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  1. April 21 2023

    If new multi use path is constructed, consideration should be given to extending this to the highway 20 multiuse path. This would connect 53rd all the way to downtown

    Liked 6 times
  2. April 21 2023

    Poor visibility on the crest makes pedestrian crossing and biking dangerous.

    Liked 9 times
  3. April 21 2023

    No real safe option for pedestrians crossing Western here. Crosswalks should be considered especially if a roundabout is created.

    Liked 5 times
  4. April 21 2023

    Blind corner here is dangerous for pedestrians without sidewalks. Speed limit is rarely obeyed and traffic calming measures will be important here.

    Liked 15 times
  5. April 20 2023

    If Gerold will eventually connect to Technology Loop, this should eventually be a roundabout.

    Liked 7 times
  6. April 20 2023

    This part of Corvallis would also benefit from a neighborhood bikeway. I don't think there are any proposed in this area.

    Liked 9 times
  7. April 20 2023

    Separated or protected bike lanes should be considered as an alternative to a shared use path.

    Liked 12 times
  8. April 20 2023

    The east end of a West Hills path should include a low stress connection to the path on 35th. If a path extending along Western is not feasible, streets like Hanson, Chickadee and Sagebrush could be neighborhood bikeway-like alternatives instead. Avoid creating gaps in the low stress network.

    Liked 8 times
  9. April 20 2023

    Traveling from West Hills Road to the Campus Way path (Irish Bend covered bridge) requires crossing 53rd twice if using the 53rd St path (and to avoid the 53rd bike lane). I'd like to see a protected bike lane, cycle track, or path on the east side of 53rd to avoid this.

    Liked 10 times
  10. April 18 2023

    roundabout and protected bike lane

    Liked 13 times
  11. April 18 2023

    Speed Cushions - near crest -both directions

    Liked 8 times
  12. April 17 2023

    Link a West Hills Road multi-use path to 53rd

    Liked 12 times
  13. April 15 2023


    Liked 4 times
  14. March 16 2023

    Connect a path to Sagebrush!

    Liked 5 times