Comments for “Alachua Countywide Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan/ SS4A Action Plan”
This entire road 337 or 282 is too narrow for trucks, trailers or semis. Not to mention filled with potholes. There is no shoulder for bike or pedestrian traffic. This road is very dangerous.
For the safety of pedestrians, cyclists, and motor vehicles do something to make this a safer roundabout. Can we get some giant arrow signs? Yeilds? Anthing?
This is an example of multiple roads in the duckpond that stick out due to their extremely wide nature. Despite most of the neighborhood being narrow residential streets with speed bumps, lots of on-street parking, and sidewalks this one lacks it. There have been multiple cases of parked cars being hit and major accidents happening on this specific street. It desperately needs to be narrowed adding a sidewalk with a road verge to one or both sides.
There are no lines indicating where the north-bound lane separates into right or left turn lanes. As a result, I often have to brake immediately after entering from 34th street to avoid a head on collision with cars that are moving into my lane to get into the left turn lane too early. This also puts me at risk for collisions with other drivers also entering 55th blvd behind me.
Sidewalk and better lighting. Even though the street is wide, many people and children are walking along this road I ad, often with their pets.
121 > need a signalized sidewalk so people can walk safely across the street to and from Albert Ray Massey park.
Super dangerous trying to cross. Cars merging onto Archer go way too fast. Desperately need to slow things down here
Crossing 13th is frightening. Severe lack of safe places to cross. Cars way too fast. Bike lane is frightening to use.
Need separate bike lane. Currently no safe space for bikes except a narrow sidewalk. Remove extra lanes for cars. Roundabouts could be helpful. Speed limit way too high and cars fly way too fast down this road
Need a sidewalk. School bustop is here and the children are forced to stand in the street. Also people are forced to walk on the street when traveling to Walmart to catch the city bus and/or Greyhound.
Sidewalk on 38th needs extending/ feeder into the neighborhood it is most heavily and frequently traveled often at excessive speed.
Needs a round about or traffic light here
Need access from Stephen Foster north-south without being forced out on to either 6th or 13th street NW. Rural King buffer combined with the Oaks development has cut off safe pedestrian and bicycle access to the south
there needs to be a traffic signal or pedestrian signal that can provide safe crossing of 20th ave from the bus stop to the north side of 20th
Busy intersection could use a light. Gets backed up
Motorcycle death earlier this year. Speed limits were raised by DOT... To "calm" drivers. It's a speedway. Our driveways come straight out into this road. Bikes are not safe here. Nor our children.
Illegal parking in the bike lanes is not ticketed/towed - it is very dangerous for cyclists. The bumpers have reduced the number of vehicles in the bike lanes this year (thank you), but they do make it more difficult to swerve around vehicles that park in the bike lanes anyway. Amazon trucks, for example, are parked in these lanes on a nearly daily basis.
A safe path for bicyclist from I-75 to Old Archer Road Trail is drastically needed. This is a significant bottleneck in the overall east/west bicycle connectivity.
The bike lanes are inadequate for safe use of a bicycle. Vehicle speeds far exceed the speed limit.
A sidewalk would be good here and easy to construct. Kids would use it to walk to the bus stop rather than waiting in the grass.
Cars race from stop light to merge point or pass on right at high speed adjacent to the bike lane.
Hurricane debris in bike lane for over 1 month. Cyclists forced into the car lane.
Bike lane interrupted at the entrance to Circle K is wrong.
The short section of two lanes heading east encourages cars to speed and pass on the right closest to the bike lane.
no sidewalk