Comments for “Alachua Countywide Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan/ SS4A Action Plan”
more lighting and sidewalks around the Kincaid Loop :)
Newnan's Lake tie-in to Hawthorne Trail
more sidewalk aprons to make duckpond walking more accessible
curb ramps at NW 6th St and University Ave are diagonal - direction of bikes and peds are ambiguous
enforce 20 mph speed limit on campus (adjust the design speed)
drivers here drive too fast also don't look out for bikers
narrow car lanes on campus and add raised ped crossings to lower the design speed
NW 3rd Ave and NW 13th St needs (1) raised intersection and (2) fix cross timer (too long!!)
Downtown University Ave needs to be more like Main St - prioritize places ad people, not fast driving and multi lane roads
drivers do not obey crosswalks at 6th St north of University (3rd Ave). Need traffic enforcement and or lights/signs to alert drivers (I wait minutes for traffic to stop)
remove right turn slip lane on SW 13th St near campus
drivers speed on NW 8th ave
Memorial Mile is always a drag race happening around you
heavily frequent speeding along Loblolly/8th Ave, maybe narrowing or alter street design to encourage slower speeds
Pave trail along Hogtown and connections to neighborhoods
SW 17th St/GRU would be a perfect path of peds/bikes to connect to Hull Rd/ SW 42nd St
University near UF is getting traffic calming/pedestrian improvements. What's the plan for 13th??
Archer Rd near Shands - many permissive left (left on yellow) near pedestrian strikes often
remove a lane on 6th and add bike lane
signalized bike ped crossings at SW 2nd and 23rd St
NE GNV not connected to UF campus safely, easily
make it easier to cross 8th ave at 4th street on rail trail
sidewalks are not grade separate along 34th Ave
NW 6th St traffic is very fast (speeding) and there is no shoulder
resurface NW 24th Blvd with speed tables