Comments for “Alachua Countywide Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan/ SS4A Action Plan”
add bike trail connecting NW GNV
dangerous stretch on 43rd - could use guard rails or median
physical buffers for bike lanes and raised pedestrian crossings near Bucholtz High
multi use trails for small towns to Gainesville
no mid block crossing for transit users, RRFBs at transit stop, ADA concerns transfering
build a trail connecting east and west GNV, especially NW GNV and NE GNV
very dangerous, no shoulder at all and fast traffic (newberry rd)
bike infrastructure on Newberry Rd from 43rd to past Ft. Clarke Blvd is non-existent!
light rail connecting to downtown on Newberry Rd!
the archer road bike path is great, I take it to work everyday from 6th St to Depot to Archer to the Phillips Center. BUT... there is a weird part past Shands, before Wawa where it sort of dead ends
slow vehicle speeds through cross creek
make it easier to bike once you get off the trail
sections of GNV - Hawthorne trail are often flooded - could elevate some sections
the streetery downtown (SW 1st and 1st) is a treasure. more carless spaces for people to gather!
441 - more space for bike lane
234 to Micanopy - very bad condition unable to ride
55 mph road, maintenance issue, no paved shoulder, would like trail here to connect Micanopy
road surface condition on CR 234 is UNRIDEABLE
buffered bike lane on 441 to Micanopy
buffered bike lanes along 441 from GNV to Micanopy
an idea to encourage more use of the hawthorne trail is to have bike rentals out of Depot Park and in Hawthorne. Also incorporate a mini-van shuttle service to get folks back to where they started from if they cannot bike both ways
the hawthorne trail is a local treasure. please continue to maintain it and expand bike routes to it
non-profit interest in micanopy rail trail - check out FB page
we need a trail spur to micanopy - CR 234 is too dangerous!
micanopy rail trail from GHT to micanopy!!