Comments for “Alachua Countywide Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan/ SS4A Action Plan”
bike connector from Kincaid trail to Core Park
lobby paynes prairie to allow paved connections from GHT to sweetwater wetland
confusing signal timing at hawthorne trail and SR 331 - two flashing red pedestrian signal
43rd at 23rd is a terrible intersection to cross on foot or bike
crossing 43rd St to get to bus stop is hazardous (too few crossings)
Millhopper - debris in bike lane can be dangerous
slip lane on 43rd @ 23rd leads to bad behavior by drivers (eg. ignoring ped right of way)
Fort Clarke area bike infrastructure is overgrown and neglected
alachua conservation trust - land is already available for ACT rail trail
great area to bike but NO safe way to do it!!
235 needs safe bike lanes and traffic calming to slow down
bike lane for most of 441 to Alachua is overgrown with grass
pavement conditions - CR 237, NW 54th Dr
protected bike lane on 441 - this road has constant 60+ MPH traffic, semis etc.
slow down drivers on Millhopper Rd
have a bike entrance to San Felasco off SR 232 or through Turkey Creek Preserve
make it easier to bike to San Felasco
int. of 235 and 235A needs improvement - several deaths, heavy truck volumes, also bad pavement
Rails to Trails off of 78th west of 41
High Springs to Newberry Rails to Trails
no bike facilities in the area - 235 plenty of room for a trail connecting to trails in Newberry
we need more major bike connections between Gainesville and Alachua
trail connection Tioga to 24th overpass
ped improvement on 143 through downtown downtown alachua - library, schools, etc. limited crossings - plus available ROW for bike lanes
235 - increase in trucks (heavy) with degraded road with fragmented pavement