Comments for “Alachua Countywide Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan/ SS4A Action Plan”
bus to waldo?
road diet needed! connect Waldo to intra and inter county bike trails, more street calming and traffic signals needed
441 & 53rd: lots of long waits plus future development, power plant
drivers don't obey flashing lights
need pedestrian crossing
protected bike trail
protected bike lane
needs crosswalk
23rd protected bike lane
light timing evaluated by AI
protected bike lane
protected bike trail eminent domain
the bike lanes (along parker road) aren't maintained, causing them to be thinner and bikes to be too close to cars
hard crossing 20 & 301 during traffic
need school zone for 301
protected bike trail, bike bridge
so many conservation lands here! can we have a continuous trail through them?
Micanopy to Rochelle Rail Trail please!
dangerous at night/limited visibility
pavement on NW 53rd Ave dangerous in rain
protected bike lane
protected bike trail
protected bike lane