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Space Coast TPO Vision Zero Plan

Vision Zero Logo Please take a moment and share your concerns about traffic related issues for people walking, biking, rolling, taking transit, and driving. Comments will used to help develop action items to make roadways safer for all users.

The map shows fatal and severe crashes from 2014 to 2018 in Brevard County. Fatal crashes are indicated by a triangle and severe crashes are indicated by a dot. A legend below shows different types of comments already placed on the map.

Missing Sidewalk Bilvd31
Missing Bike Facility Nwzcqsi
Drivers Run Red Lights or Stop Signs Wiyinw8
Transit Stop Accessibility Jvj7jhm
Limited Visibility Kbzl8mb
Low/No Lighting Ssuyfjf
Missing Crosswalk or Midblock Crossing Nh6dopx
Not Enough Time to Cross 1lths8l
ADA Accessibility 23wsukz
Speeding Ingvdnu
Drivers Do Not Yield Pjglzvf
Blocked Sidewalk or Bike Facility Eukphde
Other Issue 8zpiorl

View a list of existing comments →

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  1. Zoom to the area that you are interested in.
  2. If you agree with a concern that is already on the map... click on the existing point and then click “Like Comment”
  3. To add a new concern, double click on the location, then use the form to describe your transportation safety concern.
  4. If you put the marker in the wrong place, right click to undo.