Comments for “North Avenue Streetscape”

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  1. February 11 2013

    There is very high transit ridership at this intersection

  2. February 11 2013

    There is high transit ridership at this intersection

  3. February 11 2013

    Penn Station feels very separated from the corridor, despite being nearby

  4. February 11 2013

    Light rail station feels very separated from the corridor, despite being nearby

  5. February 11 2013

    Accessing the study corridor is difficult for pedestrians and bicyclists due to high speeds built up on this bridge, exacerbated by the long sight distance at the end, and the widening of North Avenue just west of the bridge

  6. February 11 2013

    The northbound right turns from Howard are able to be very fast, and pedestrians often feel unsafe at this intersection

  7. February 11 2013

    This intersection is an opportunity to place art or signage to show with clarity that one is entering the Arts and Entertainment Distric