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  1. March 21 2014

    Separate bike lanes would invite more peds and cyclists decreasing emissions/fuels (more people would ride or walk) this would also invite more people to use alternative transportation in downtown which makes it more inviting especially during market months. Boise is naturally beautiful these bike lanes might encourage people to use alternative transport and keep city cleaner (air quality) and in so making it more inviting to potential increase in population (environmentally friendly population)

  2. March 21 2014

    I love the idea of creating a buffered bike lane on Main. I have seen lanes just like proposed in Washington DC and they are wonderful! Bikers feel much safer, traffic (eventually) lessens and drive speeds slow. Good long-term results.

  3. March 21 2014

    Need cross street dedicated bike lanes. I propose 13th and 10th between Washington and Grove.

  4. March 21 2014

    What impact might transit center have on the walkability of the Grove Street cultural district?

  5. March 20 2014

    Bike box/timed lighting something to protect motorist from turning into cyclists.

  6. March 20 2014

    Concern about hooking hazards at 10th and all similar intersections. Maybe mixing zone ala' NYC even though I am not totally sold on their mixing zone design.

  7. March 20 2014

    Need more bike racks. Always full.

  8. March 20 2014

    At 3rd and Idaho there are 63 residential units. Parking is already a problem.

  9. March 20 2014

    Why do sharrows have to be 17' wide? This width seems counter productive to slowing down traffic and improving awareness and sensitivity of drivers to cyclists.

  10. March 20 2014

    Make sure curves in bike path aren't too sharp

  11. March 20 2014

    Keep parking spaces otherwise does not work for motorist.

  12. March 20 2014

    Signs accompanying sharrows?

  13. March 19 2014

    Capitol Blvd Streetscape beautification has been forgotten. Trees, lawn, streetscape needs to be added for all these options.

  14. March 19 2014

    Remove the parking on this side of the street (since there is the library parking lot) and put the buffered bike lane/parallel parking on the Julia Davis side. This will help with commuting for bikers.

  15. March 19 2014

    This would be great to encourage more bike commuting around always congested BSU. To extent we can get students out of cars and onto bikes by safe means of commuting to town, all the better.

  16. March 19 2014

    I agree with #51 and #53. No way to access the Greenbelt from the bike lane.

  17. March 19 2014

    Why does this terminate? Connect the major attraction (University) and extend to the south side of the bridge.

  18. March 19 2014

    Re: One-way bike lanes, please have ample signage for infrequent riders.

  19. March 19 2014

    Hopefully in the future there will be a bike lane over the bridge. The narrow sidewalk is not viable during peak riding/walking months.

  20. March 19 2014

    The entry bus ramp should be on Main St

  21. March 19 2014

    Would be better to do a pork chop to deter cars from turning the wrong way.

  22. March 19 2014

    Cannot be a raised bulb out. Service trucks can not back into the Grove Hotel ramp.

  23. March 19 2014

    Strongly opposed to buffer lane next to parking strip. This places pedestrians accessing their cars in the pathway of cyclists. And the parked cars block the ability of cyclists to merge into traffic to make left turns. The viability of the cyclists by cars in traffic lanes would be compromised.

  24. March 19 2014

    Concerned about drivers actually yielding to cyclists.

  25. March 19 2014

    Concerned about potential for Rt hook on Myrtle. Sharrow/right turn solution at Main St may be desirable at Myrtle as well.