Comments for “Santa Cruz Bicycle / Pedestrian Corridors”

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  1. October 14 2015

    The door zone bike lanes should be removed. Many motorists do not understand why cyclists are not in the bike lane that is too dangerous to use.

  2. October 14 2015

    The "bikes may use full lane" sign should be put back at this location.

  3. October 14 2015

    The door zone bike lanes should be removed here. Many motorists expect cyclists to use them in spite of the fact that the driveways and the parked cars make the bike lanes too dangerous to use.

  4. October 14 2015

    Please remove the door zone bike lanes here.

  5. October 14 2015

    This ramp really needs improvement. It is a very hard U turn onto a crumbling path down, that is not wide enough to be safe. This is an accident waiting to happen if it hasn't already.

  6. October 14 2015

    I agree with other comments on this bridge. This is a difficult place for bikes that could easily be made much better.

  7. October 14 2015

    Bikes are not able to trip the signal to make a left from Ocean.

  8. October 14 2015

    The ramp down ends in a dangerouslysharp corner especially for children on bicycles or other less confident ridres.

  9. October 14 2015

    The ramp down from the Riverwalk puts cyclists and wheelchairs on the sidewalk with no curb cut to continue on to Blaine Street.

  10. October 14 2015

    Please improve levee access at the end of Kennan Street. The gate at the end of the street is locked at the whim of the management of the apartments there.There are no ramps for wheelchairs or baby strollers. This route provides a way to safely cross Ocean at a signalized crosswalk. The ramp coming off the levee ends in a dangerously sharp turn

  11. October 14 2015

    This is a major bikeway and is not legal for bicycles. Please make this a legal place for bikes to ride.

  12. October 13 2015


  13. October 09 2015

    The green light triggers in the street don't work, forcing bicyclists to maneuver over to the manual button on the curb pole. I have almost been hit 2-3 times doing this. Please fix the in-street bike triggers for the light!

  14. October 07 2015

    Create a new bike route to connect Arana Gulch with River Levee and bypass the very dangerous section of Soquel Avenue, include the Morrissey/Water/Soquel intersection. The new route would have signage and green bike lane from starting at Mentel Avenue, where a cross walk already exists across Soquel Avenue. Continue down alley next to Coast Locksmith. Left of Eastgate. Right on Trevethan. Left on Melrose. There is a pedestrian cross walk planned for Morissey Blvd. at Melrose, so incorporate bike crossing into this plan. Continue on Melrose to Stanford, left on Stanford, then right on Water and join existing bike lane which leads to River Levee bike paths

  15. October 02 2015

    More staff at The Bay School ride bikes to work than there are racks for them to lock their bikes. As the only parent whose student rides to school, I am ecstatic that this many teachers ride their bikes to school. Does the city sponsor a program providing simple bike racks like the ones outside grocery stores? Please let me know, as I would love to get one for The Bay School.

  16. October 02 2015

    I support a rail trail from Davenport to Watsonville so that bikers or walkers in any part of the county would be encouraged to use the corridor closest to their homes to travel safely on foot or by bike to their destinations.

  17. September 24 2015

    Needs a sign for peds to tell them about the public access connection between Arroya Seco and Escalona Dr.

  18. September 24 2015

    Need a sign at both ends of this important ped walkway. There is currently no way for a ped to know that it connects High St with upper Nobel Dr.

  19. September 16 2015

    no one likes traffic. no one likes sitting in traffic, but the majority of people will still choose to drive over biking or public transit because it is easy. plus, it is still relatively cheap. anyone trying to develop vibrant alternatives should think about ways to make bikes or buses appealing, easy, and inexpensive. the new rate hikes for the highway 17 bus are a step in the wrong direction. i understand that the metro is in the red, but there should be a city-wide plan to get them the funding they need without the burden falling on riders. there is no good reason it should be cheaper for a car-less couple trying to get to the bay area for a day to rent a car and pay for gas when compared to public transit, but that is the case.
    economy car rental:
    rental = $40 for one day + $20-25 in gas = about $60- 65
    public transportation
    $7 on the bus to san jose for two people both ways = $28
    + $ to get from san jose to the bay area (the caltrain is $18.50 for a day pass for one person from san jose to san francisco and the capitol corridor is $32 per person for round trip) for a minimum public transportation cost of at least $65.

  20. September 16 2015

    bicycling down bay street can feel really scary. one can get going pretty fast because of the downhill, but the bike lane feels too narrow for such a fast pace. at times the bike land has tree roots making it really bumpy, and there is often tree litter and debris that, especially when it rains, can make the bike lane feel slick. widening it would help. as one approaches escalona, moving pretty fast, it can feel scary to imagine that a car pulling out of escalona won't stop or look for bikes. i had a friend who had to be helicoptered to the hospital because he was struck by a car at this intersection. is it possible to put in a light that activates when a bike is sensed coming down the hill?

  21. September 16 2015

    The western end of the existing bike/ped bridge had boards which change direction, running E-W. I know bikes aren't supposed to ride on teh bridge, but many do when it's empty, and narrow tires can get caught between these E-W boards, like mini railroad tracks.

  22. September 16 2015

    Re-stripe this crosswalk, add flashers. At night pedestrians are invisible here (no streetlight maybe), it's very dangerous to cross even with the existing crosswalk

  23. September 16 2015

    This S/E bound sidewalk could be widened to accommodate bikes and peds, but it would require an expensive cantilever supported by cliffside anchors. If this road ever washes out it should be added then.

  24. September 16 2015

    Add flashing beacons to this crosswalk, cars don't stop even when standing there, they can't always see well looking into the sun

  25. September 16 2015

    The south side of east bound Soquel has a very dangerous bump (from a drain maybe?), so cyclists are forced to either risk a flat or swerve into traffic.