Comments for “East Idaho Avenue Refinement Area Plan”

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  1. June 03 2020

    Eventually would like to see this stop moved on to East Lane or Idaho Ave. Public Transit buses have a hard time maneuvering through the small entrances/exits, parking lot and pedestrians coming in and out of the store.

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  2. June 03 2020

    A connection from Idaho Ave to SE 10th Street to provide easier access to public transportation for individuals who walk or bike.

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  3. June 03 2020

    Crosswalk enhancements are needed in this area. Pedestrians who utilize public transportation have expressed they do not feel safe when crossing here. A bus pullout or turnout in this area would help to maintain the flow of traffic while public transit buses make stops in this area. Curb cut outs for accessibility at bus stop. Public transit does have funding for some of these improvements.

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  4. May 29 2020

    As Fruitland City Administrator I would comment that if attention were given to pedestrian access on the westbound section of the Snake River Bridge and providing lighting on the north side of the bridge to increase safety, a major portion of pedestrian traffic crossing East Idaho could be avoided. Sidewalk only exists on the south side of the bridge. I believe most of the pedestrian traffic from the Idaho side is probably going to businesses on the north side of E. Idaho. Attention to developing sidewalk and lighting would spur sidewalk construction on the Idaho side from Allen Avenue west to the bridge. The reason we have not constructed sidewalk to date is to discourage unsafe pedestrian traffic on the north side of the bridge.

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