Comments for “Drexel University Master Plan”

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  1. June 15 2011

    This crossing should have a stop sign for traffic and there should be a raised sidewalk to act as a speed bump, because people who are speeding along here are usually the ones who blow the stop sign at arch street.

  2. June 15 2011

    This bridge has an amazing view of the schuylkill, what happened to the murals?? The sidewalks are not wide enough AT ALL and it feels dangerous walking over the bridge, when it should be an awesome experience!

  3. June 15 2011

    The intersection at N32nd and Powelton is terrible, especially coming south from that light on Spring Garden! And 32nd street south of Powelton Ave NEEDS BIKE LANES!! Or, the bike lane coming down 31st should go behind that building (on the east side) and down the east side of 32nd street to separate the bikes from traffic, because people in this area either don't know how to drive with bikes in the road or don't really care. When bike lanes cross turn lanes, highlighting the lane blue helps a LOT, like how it does on the Spring Garden bridge coming west from the Art Museum.

  4. June 13 2011

    Because 3101 is set back from the street, it makes for an unfriendly pedestrian experience. Build out to the street, even if you put a parking garage there.

  5. June 13 2011

    The sidewalk along 32nd Street is in poor condition, and the fence is unsightly. Perhaps a low wall with a bar fence similar to the fence surrounding Buckley Field?

  6. June 13 2011

    Ugly, awful corner, I feel unsafe because of the overgrowth, distance from buildings, and uneven sidewalks here.

  7. June 13 2011

    Very Awkward Corner for pedestrians, cyclists, and cars.

  8. June 07 2011

    I was almost mugged here a few weeks ago in daylight at about 7pm but managed to kick the mugger in the groin and yell that I was calling the police, which caused him to run. More security patrols (such as the frequency of Penn public safety) would be great

  9. June 07 2011

    Traffic direction is confusing here -- can cars turn left onto Powelton off of 32nd? Coupled with cars coming very fast eastbound down Powelton, that confusion has led to numerous accidents over the years.

  10. June 07 2011

    East-bound traffic is almost always backed up waiting to turn onto 76 close to 5pm

  11. June 07 2011

    This area, and other surrounding areas should not be 2 hour parking. It's all residential. It's so hard to find parking on campus and these spots are always empty because they're 2 hour

  12. June 07 2011

    This intersection is extremely dangerous. Cars usually make right turns out of the left lane, and there is very little time for pedestrians to cross. Its equally as frustrating if you're driving because people in the left lane cut you off

  13. June 07 2011

    Cars go too fast down 34th, making it dangerour for pedestrians to cross. A possible improvement could be narrowing the road.

  14. June 07 2011

    Arch between 33rd and 34th should have a painted crosswalk leading from the path that goes between Calhoun and Towers to the path between the Arch Street houses and volleyball courts. Ideally there would be "Cars must yield to pedestrians" signs. The best place I have seen this locally is on Upenn, where the Locust Walk crosses over 34th Street.

  15. June 07 2011

    Current end of Lancaster Walk Blocked by food trucks. Pedestrians have to squeeze around the trucks and then watch out for cars coming from 3 directions

  16. June 07 2011

    This is a really unwieldy intersection---I was actually hit by a car here while crossing the street. The trolley adds to the confusion. It seems ripe for some sort of pedestrian improvement, such as bumpouts or an island. Perhaps something along the lines of NYCDOT's public plaza program?

  17. June 07 2011

    Mega and bolt busses do not adhere to the two bus rule. multiple busses queue up and the area is not suitable for a 100+ people hanging out with luggage and trash.

  18. June 06 2011

    On the northside of the 33rd Street and Arch street intersection, there is no longer a painted crosswalk because of construction that was done there over a year ago. I constantly use that intersections and cars have come very close to hitting me.

  19. June 05 2011

    Cars heavily speed here.

  20. June 04 2011

    Currently, there are no crosswalks on N 32nd Street, making it difficult and dangerous for students to cross the street as well as for vehicular traffic

  21. June 03 2011

    Local chapter headquarters for the NCH (National Coalition for the Homeless)

  22. June 03 2011

    This is not good swimming area. Current took me to Delaware where I was nearly ran over by a duck boat.

  23. June 03 2011

    I was run down and struck by a Drexel Chariot at this location

  24. June 03 2011

    There needs to be greater enforcement of the crosswalk here for safety of pedestrians!

  25. June 03 2011

    This intersection is well-used by pedestrians walking from Drexel's Campus into Drexel Park and the norther neighborhoods. There is no easy way to cross the street here, and because the way the intersections line up, the traffic becomes dangerous during busy times of the day.