Comments for “Baltimore City Bicycle Grate Hazards”

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  1. October 04 2011

    Dangerous parallel Grates surrounded by broken and sunken pavement with sharp concrete ridges that could explode a bicycle tire

  2. October 04 2011

    Very Dangerous parallel Grates surrounded by broken and sunken pavement with sharp concrete ridges that could explode a bicycle tire

  3. October 04 2011

    Dangerous parallel Grates surrounded by broken and sunken pavement with sharp concrete ridges that could explode a bicycle tire

  4. October 04 2011

    Parallel storm grates near Bath & Guilford under bridge.

  5. October 04 2011

    parallel storm grates on this section.

  6. October 04 2011

    parallel storm grate

  7. October 04 2011

    Unsafe grate in the middle of Aliceanna

  8. October 04 2011

    There are 4 storms drains, two each way, over the Falls "River" bridge that pose a hazard to cyclist. The slots in the drains are parallel to the road, thus allowing a bicycle wheel to fall into one of the slots and throw the cyclist off the bike.

  9. October 04 2011

    On SW corner of Charles and Preston there is a grate aligned at 45 degrees that is perfect for catching a wheel making a left from Charles to Preston

  10. October 04 2011

    This trapped one of my kids wheels

  11. October 03 2011

    2 drains in between W Trenton and the Streetcar Museum.

  12. October 03 2011

    At least one of the old style drain here. More likely 2 or 3.

  13. October 03 2011

    Grates outside of the Arena often face the unsafe direction

  14. October 03 2011

    Grates along the divider are parallel

  15. October 03 2011

    Storm grate

  16. October 03 2011

    on westbound 33rd street, just past the intersection with Loch Raven--swerving out into the traffic lane to avoid this, while cars in the right lane are trying to zoom past cars in the left lane before reaching a parked car, is DANGEROUS!

  17. October 03 2011

    Hazardous grate on the Pratt-side sidewalk at the now-catant ESPN-zone

  18. October 03 2011

    Old style grate on the corner of the access road between the Sheraton and the Convention Center.