Comments Box

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This information is optional, but your name will be displayed alongside your comment.

Belgrade Transportation Master Plan Update

Safety-Related Experience Map Survey

Welcome to the interactive map for the Belgrade Transportation Master Plan! One of the core goals of this planning effort is to prioritize safety in all aspects of transportation planning and engineering. We want to understand where residents and pedestrians feel safe or not throughout the network. The interactive map allows you to share your thoughts on locations along Belgrade's street network, pedestrian facilities, and bicycle facilities where you have experienced a safety-related issue.


To add a comment to the map, double-click on the location that you're concerned with. A green box will appear on the top left of your screen with space to write in your comment.

There will be a drop-down menu underneath the text box for you to select a category for your comment. Please select the category that most closely aligns with the sentiment of your comment.

Comment categories

  • Bus Stop Issues - I experience safety-related or other issues at this bus stop OR I would like a bus stop at this location.
  • Driving Issues - I experience safety-related or other issues driving at this location
  • Walking Issues - I experience safety-related or other issues walking at this location
  • Crossing Issues - I experience safety-related or other issues crossing at this location
  • Rolling Issues - I experience safety-related or other issues rolling (using a mobility device such as a wheelchair) at this location
  • Other Comment - I have a different transportation-related issue at this location

Lastly, there is the option to provide your name, email, or phone number along with your comment. Please note that your name will appear besides your comment publicly, but your email address and phone number will not be displayed publicly.

Click "Create Comment" to save your comment on the map.

You may add as many comments as your need to communicate your safety issues.

View a list of existing comments →

Having trouble viewing or using the map? Please contact Rachel Grosso at with your comments.


To add a comment to the map, double-click on the location that you're concerned with. A green box will appear on the top left of your screen with space to write in your comment.

Additional instructions can be found in the white box on the left side of the screen.