Comments for “Belgrade Transportation Master Plan Update”
Walking/Bikung path ends abrubtly with no safe place to continue East into town.
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No crosswalk.
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No sidewalk or bike lane on southbound Jackrabbit.
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It would be great to have a nice parking lot in this part of town. I think it would help attract more restaurants and shops.
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Over or underpass for the train so it does interfere with traffic.
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The crossing/stop sign at this intersection is sometimes tricky. The location of the stop line is so far back from the intersection that most vehicles stop in the middle of the crosswalk. Couple that with the Prescott Ranch sign on the right and the Altitude sign on the left, the driver can't see oncoming traffic without inching into the crosswalk.
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It would be nice to see some form of public transit option from the airport to various quadrants of the City.
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Failed intersection
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Needs guardrails especially by 13th street. There is a huge ditch that people could easily hit a patch of ice and slide right into.
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Sidewalks on this side of the road between Cruiser & Mayfair
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Is this an area where Belgrade got money to build the road over the railroad tracks? I agree with the previous commenter, this intersection gets crazy before and after work, and the train does not help.
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A bike lane on Dry Creek would be amazing. I think it'd have to be separated from the road, due to the high speed of traffic, but would make for great riding and add another layer of connectivity to Three Forks
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This road currently has an eastbound bike lane, and none westbound. It is wide enough to accommodate a bike lane each side if striped properly!
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The bike lane on Penwell ends abruptly at Dry Creek Road and dumps you onto a highway with a high speed limit and no bike lane.
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The bike lane on Penwell ends abruptly at Dry Creek Road and dumps you onto a highway with a high speed limit and no bike lane.
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Riding bikes on Amsterdam Road is very dangerous. There are many people who live in the various subdivisions that have no safe way to get into town besides driving.
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Seconding the note about a path from downtown to the airport. I would be okay with a gravel path, which partly exists already, but a paved path could be great too.
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When taking a left off North Kennedy onto Main Street / Frontage (ie, traveling southwest on N. Kennedy and turning onto Main to travel southeast), it's often extremely hard to see if anyone else is already driving southeast on Main. Between the line of traffic and any parked cars, it's half-guessing. Maybe a 3-way stop sign at N Kennedy & Main would help?
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This informal path along the side of the road would be a GREAT gravel walking or biking path. It's well-separated from the road, it's a cool loop, it's close to town, it's scenic. A little development would go a long way. It could be groomed cross country ski trails in winter. Add a little connectivity to other trails and it'd be a great community aset.
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Seconding the OP: This intersection messes people up. Especially for those not familiar with this part of town, it's not clear who has the right of way.
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Need paved sidewalks on dry creek road from the airport leading into Belgrade.
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Need sidewalks to connect from airport to downtown
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We desperately need sidewalks to connect from downtown Belgrade to the airport
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Too much traffic. Need alternatives.
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