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Colma Systemic Safety Analysis Report

The Town of Colma is evaluating roadway safety throughout the community with the goal of making the streets safer for everyone. The map shows the roadways identified by the Town as the focus of the study.

Feel free to provide any comments on the study corridors or other roadway safety concerns or comments you have throughout the town. You can "like" the comments that you think are the most important.

For more information on the study, visit the project website at: TBD.

View a list of existing comments →

Having trouble viewing or using the map? Please contact Abdulkader Hashem at with your comments.


1. Zoom in

2. Double click on the map

3. Fill in the comments box

Please select an appropriate category for your comment and provide as much detail as possible.

Note: To change the basemap, select your preferred basemap in the top left corner of the map.