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US-1 Corridor Study Image US-1 runs south-north through the heart of 14 Palm Beach County communities and connects thousands of people to employment, shopping, healthcare, education, recreation, and other activities. It is also PalmTran's highest ridership corridor and a key route for walking, bicycling, and driving.

The Palm Beach Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is conducting a study to develop a comprehensive plan to implement continuous multimodal facilities that connect the communities along the corridor, including upgrading the existing limited stop service to Corridor-Based Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and expanding this service north of West Palm Beach to Indiantown Road in Jupiter.

A Health Impact Assessment will also be conducted along the corridor to understand how these pedestrian, bicycle, and transit investments can benefit or impact the health of the communities along the US-1 Corridor, and help decision-makers prioritize these investments.

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