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Leland Integrated Mobility Plan

The Town of Leland is developing an Integrated Mobility Plan (IMP) that will update and incorporate existing land use plans into one comprehensive document that focuses on the future transportation network. The IMP will identify a series of projects, policies, and actions to be implemented over the next 25 years.

This map presents a list of projects identified for transportation investment in multimodal safety and mobility after an initial screening of recently completed plans, including the Leland Safe Streets and Roads for All Safety Action Plan, Leland 2045 Plan, Green Network Master Plan, NCDOT projects, and recent Pedestrian and Bicycle Plans. Most of these projects are not funded for construction.

The projects have been classified as "high" or "medium" priority based on a series of scores that account for safety, connectivity, equity, resiliency, and mobility. The individual scores and the total score for each project can be viewed by clicking on a project. Programmed NCDOT projects are also displayed on the map but have not been scored. The Town is looking for public feedback on which of these projects has support or should be prioritized lower in the ranking.

Note that Proposed New Streets include sidewalk and/or multi-use path improvements.

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  2. You can toggle the projects map on or off by clicking on the list of project categories to the right.

  3. Double-click anywhere on the map to place a comment. We request your feedback on whether you support a project, have comments on a project, or do not support the project.