Comments for “Lynn Walking and Bicycling Network Plan”
Losing parking on the commons will be very bad for events on the common and residents. Theres an entire building of elderly people who need those parking spots out front for visiting nurses and family to visit.
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The on road connections are not a good idea. It takes away needed parking for people who live with no driveways and the businesses will loose money!
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This should connect to the commuter rail and then onto the River Works station. The new apartments are going to put a public park so all can have access to the station and the boardwalk. The boardwalk will then connect the the Ferry Park! That’s 2 huge ways of transportation and will uplift our neighborhood.
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Connnection to OUR waterfront should be priority, NOT Nahant. Our community needs access to lynnway and water front. Theres nothing of value in Nahant!
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Continue the Community Path... We want of road transportation.
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Whichever route is chosen, Market St could DEFINITELY use lane narrowing (or, like, just lanes) and bike lanes. It is so wide, there is no question of whether it could be done!
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Wicked dangerous intersection - this definitely needs some bike infrastructure (and reconfigured ped/vehicle design, too!)
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This route to the beach may be a little less direct, but it avoids dealing with the Lynnway, which is a pain to cross with that pedestrian bridge, and it's not particularly scenic, either. I love the idea of a path here in, like, 10 years, once the Lynnway is tamed.
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Neptune Blvd is so wide, and has relatively less traffic compared to the Common. It could be an easier sell as the initial route, and safer for bikers while cars start to figure it out.
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I think the path should continue long the rail bed until it joins the existing line and where the rail joins the existing line it can become a rail with trail up to the point where another spur starts that it will follow which becomes the Marblehead Rail Trail.
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Wicked dangerous intersection to navigate for drivers, pedestrians... Keep bike lanes away from here
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This section of Summer to Commercial is too dangerous and busy to consider as a route.
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One route through railroad down to lynnway area... With street off shoot options. Not to Nahant
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i've always been intrigued about the history of the commons - how victory gardens used to be installed there. with the increased interest in food and growing it in particular, i think it would be great to connect that history with the current climate and have a community garden here
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Echoing what another person said about gardens, I think this space seems great for that. Woodman residents could also participate - similarly as other LHAND sites have gardens. And the space is large enough to have larger garden plots. Think this could be an easy first step.
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Crossing here is like crossing at Western. People come off the rotary very fast, and head into it fast; I've crossed many times with my kids and it's quite difficult. Different signage or even a minor light is necessary. A better idea would be to have a separate exit from the Rotary by the parking lot for the playground that is widened to make it clear it is usable for bike traffic - right now it just heads to the parking lot and there isn't a great way to the bike path to Nahant.
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I like the concept of staying on an old rail right-of-way, but I'm very concerned about how people will cross. Look at the bike path in Salem where it crosses by the Salem State campus - who could ever cross there if there weren't a million signs and all the students? Western is really different from that area. So whether people are encouraged to merge onto Western or to continue crossing, there would need to be either a stop sign or an optional crossing light. (Or an underpass but perhaps with engineering requirements that isn't feasible.)
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There should be a bike lane the entire length of both sides of the Common anyway. There is plenty of room and there do not need to be 3 lanes each direction, it often causes worse traffic because of people weaving. Make a clearly delineated bike lane SEPARATE from the parking lane, and then the usual traffic, and you could think about continuing on Market Street in that event to the ocean.
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The rotary has very unclear lane markings. Make it as clear as the new rotary at Route 128 to Reading and you will be in good shape. Keep it as-is and it is somewhat dangerous for cyclists.
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This intersection would need to be majorly reconfigured for bike traffic. I approve of this but there would need to be clear signage for which lane to be in because of several lanes turning.
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We would love to see a space around this area along the old rail tracks where community gardeners can operate larger plots. Many folks in Lynn come from a farming background and are able and excited to garden on larger plots, so we would be excited to see some space was set aside here for these plots
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While this study is centered on downtown and the waterfront, it seems worth considering how easy it will be to access downtown (and especially the commuter rail station) to and from points east, via Essex and Union.
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I don't know if this is within the scope of the study, but either this study or a future one really should consider the connections to Revere and especially the Blue Line.
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Assuming this secondary connections path is proposing to intentionally place sidewalks and/or bike lanes: This is a potentially wonderful opportunity for our residents to not only access amenities, but will be an AMAZING way to give the community a path to exercise (walking, jogging, running, biking) and travel uninterrupted by car/bus traffic. Though this also comes with a concern of safety as this area is not in sight of anything and if not properly designed and accessed, could be an area that is great in concept but everyone avoids because it is completely unsafe. Safety boxes, markers, and phones leading to emergency assistance like the ones often placed within college courtyards should be available at short intervals...or perhaps this becomes more of a dedicated pedestrian park which has hours of operation (like The Highline...can we make Lynn THAT cool!?)
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I believe the old rail tracks here have already been proposed to be an extension of the Bike to the Sea project. From a community building perspective, Lynn is a vital component to the proposed expansion of this project connecting Lynn and outside communities to and from Natant and Revere. While I do not know if this is something the City is considering (they should), it would be at minimum ideal to clear brush and provide lighting to directly connect neighborhoods father from the commons directly to the new paths and lanes.
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