Comments for “City of Gastonia Bicycle Plan”
Part of alternative to US 321
Phillips Center property could be envisioned to connect neighborhoods to each other and to schools.
Some kind of connection across museum and Grier Middle School would connect exiting bike lanes on Butronwood to Churchill St and those neighborhoods.
Possible low-stress downtown route. Needs way-finding around FUSE (which took away part of W Main, hindering this route).
Investigate possibility of 4-lane conversion to 3-lane (road diet) on Robinwood Rd. Connects to existing greenway.
Look for City properties or unopened ROW to connect north neighborhoods to Farmers Market.
Idea to connect northern neighborhoods to Highland Rail Trail. Requires a new access point Somewhere at the existing Rail Trail.
If US 321 can’t be improved soon, then this is an existing parallel route, but zigzags would require some signs or markings.
Another connection to Ferguson Park and the greenway. Clyde Street is one of few existing RR crossings.
Another low-stress idea connecting west side to Ferguson Park (and existing greenway).
Low-stress connection from west to Ferguson Park (and existing greenway), if main roads can’t be improved soon. This route needs crossing of Blackwood Creek though.
Same idea for re-striping US 321 in York Chester, as I noted for York St. Either one-way bike facilities on each of the one-way streets, or a two-way bike facility on one of them (York St appears wider than Chester St). But one-way facilities may be more predictable for drivers.
Investigate re-striping to fit bike facility on US 321/York St through York Chester for bike connection to existing Second Ave bike lanes, as well as TRAFFIC CALMING!!!
Opportunity to provide bike/ped connection between two calm streets, to cross creek, if improving US 321 is difficult.
Opportunity to connect low-stress streets across creek, if improving US 321 is difficult.
Tight bridge at Catawba Creek on US 321 makes difficulty connecting low-stress neighborhood streets to north and south of creek.
Investigate whether a road diet on at least part of W Garrison Blvd could provide bike facility and traffic calming. The road seems so under-capacity that drivers speed outrageously.
A better, more visible connection here would connect low-stress Second/Belvedere with low-stress Cotton Blossom/Country Club Dr, so I wouldn’t feel need to detour through neighborhood and Akers loading dock area.
Low-stress east-west route from downtown to east-side restaurants.
Footpath connection exists to back of shopping center. Helps my low-sress cross-town route.
I used to try to ride my bike down Union to go to the Farmers Market until I got ran off the road by a pickup near the airport. The truck made no attempt to stop. A lot of people and kids going to Forestview HS try to utilize Union but no sidewalks or markings exist to protect bicyclists and pedestrians. Tragic.
Union Rd, S New Hope Rd within the City Limits are used by cyclist every day now.
Intersections and crosswalks along the US Hwy 29-74 corridor within the City of Gastonia City limits are important to include them in the study. With the new FUSE district, and the lack of parking, some people are walking to the FUSE stadium more. However, the crosswalks in some of those intersections are unsafe. Please include a category for pedestrians in the Comments Box. Thank you.
A major area i've seen teens ride bikes from Ashbrook to go home that don't even have a basic sidewalk for them to use, or enough a wide enough shoulder to use as a proper bike lane.
Ive seen so many kids have to bike and walk in the road to the Phillips center from the various apartment homes on Hudson Blvd. A sidewalk and bike lane are really needed along this road.