Comments for “North Valley Road - Interactive map”
This may not be the exact location, however, in this area there is a section of the roadway that has obviously failing. The road was "patched" here but it has progressively gotten worse over the course of 2021 and is such that it presents a hazard to both cars and trucks with trailers. We would not be surprised if there were accidents in this area come this winter when the road freezes.
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Most winters this area tends to see water that trickles down from the hillside and freezes. This slight jog in the road is not enough of a curve for drivers to slow down. On mornings or evenings when this part of the road freezes drivers slide and either go off the road or cross the center line into oncoming traffic. This appears to be proven by the number of accidents around this location.
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As we drive the length of North Valley most every day it would be preferred to not reduce the travel speed but rather make travel at that speed safer. At most limit "general" speed to 50mph with maybe reduced speed on corners.
Minimizing or eliminating truck w/ trailer travel would help with safety for cyclists as well as reduce damage to the road. Hwy 219 to Kuehne appears to be the "proper" route for truck w/ trailer travel to HWY 47 and beyond.
We would not like to see rumble strips of any kind along the stretch of N. Valley within a mile either way of our property (anywhere along N. Valley really) as it would likely disturb sleep as well as the peace of living in this beautiful area. The same for any speed reinforcement (powered/flashing) signage.
We are also concerned about the impact of rumble strips on the natural wildlife in the area. The intermittent noise generated by these strips could disturb the wildlife and force them from the area.
We feel that eliminating the allowed "passing" area along the front of our property would improve safety as the sight distance is short and we witness several near misses as frustrated drivers attempt to pass.
Perhaps signage at the "entry" to this stretch of road stating "no passing" or "no turnaround" for next 4-miles may also improve safety.
One other element that occurs on this road is the presence of farm vehicles that are wider than the travel lanes. The presence of farm vehicles is understood and expected in this area, however, the vehicles that are wider than the lane of travel should have lead vehicles with proper signage and/or warning lights to alert oncoming vehicles of the hazard.
Regarding the proposed improvement options. It is mentioned on this site that Options 1 and 2 are not within the County Budget. What is the County Budget amount?
Although bike lanes certainly appeal to the cyclists to come and enjoy this area the cyclists often travel this road in an unsafe manor. Recommended cycling is to ride SINGLE FILE. Often cyclists are riding double or triple wide, presumable to discourage cars from passing. All this does is create a greater hazard for both the vehicles and the cyclists.
Perhaps there is a fourth option. Essentially Option #2 with approximately 2' of paved shoulder on each side. Not a designated bike lane per se but extra room for cyclist and driver safety. Room enough for cyclists to travel single file and room enough for drivers to pass cyclists safely. Granted this requires common sense actions for both to be adequately safe.
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This is where the "Pihl Built Road" sign is and where I turn to go up to my house/vineyard (the mailbox says "Bryce" on it). I am all in favor of widening the road and adding shoulders for both safety and cyclists and pedestrians. And I would like to see the speed on this road kept to 45 or even lower. It would also be great if there was a way to keep drivers from cutting the corners (at high speed!) along this corridor.
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