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North Valley Road - Interactive map

Welcome to the North Valley Road - Interactive Map

Here you may like, reply, and add new comments to the roadway.

We want to know any challenges you experience along this roadway and what improvements are most important to you.

Consider locations along North Valley Road where you feel unsafe, see opportunities for improvements, or have any other concerns you feel the County Public Works staff should be aware of. Your feedback will help to inform and prioritize the County's plan for improvements to the road.

View a list of existing comments →

Having trouble viewing or using the map? Please contact Alec Kauffman at with your comments.


Double-click anywhere on the map write a comment.

Click on any existing comment to reply and add your thoughts to that comment or like the comment.

Historical crash data is also shown on the map and represents data from January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2019.

PDO=Property Damage Only