Comments for “Rose Hill Street”

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  1. March 14 2022

    Making an righthand(eastbound) turn from Peasley onto Rosehill is dangerous. West bound traffic on Rosehill is hard to and is moving too fast

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    March 21 2022

    I agree! I often drive this route home and it is incredibly dangerous. You have next to zero visibility until you’re already in traffic. I fear it’s an accident waiting to happen with car vs car or worse car vs bike. The curve at Peasley and Rose Hill is also very dangerous for pedestrians for similar reasons. I would prefer to have a traffic light installed here.

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    March 25 2022

    Absolutely agree that you are well into the middle of the street if Rose Hill by the time you can see oncoming traffic. Street parking should be prohibited all along Rose Hill on both sides.

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  2. March 14 2022

    As a resident facing Rose Hill Street, it is some times 5 out 7 days difficult to get out of my driveway during rush hour traffic.

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  3. March 14 2022

    Traffic light needs to be sensor to keep traffic flowing and moving. I have been stuck at the light too long with no oncoming traffic.

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  4. March 14 2022

    The wide left turn encourages people driving to chase the yellow turn signal

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    March 15 2022

    Yeah, the light sequence is way too fast on Rose Hill to Capitol via Vista (going from Bench to Downtown). Once the light is green to turn left onto Vista, cars speed up to catch the green light onto Capitol -- and I don't blame them. That light is super long.

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  5. March 14 2022

    Heading West on Rose Hill to turn left on Roosevelt is a headache. That turn arrow needs a flashing yellow arrow. It would alleviate the problem of sitting there on a red light when no one is eastward bound. You can easily see the oncoming traffic. I find it easier to cut though neighboring streets to avoid that light. I do that everyday.

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  6. March 14 2022

    This can be a dangerous corner. I have seen cars coming up Rose Hill run the red light even at 4:30-5 p.m. time frame. slow down the traffic.

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    March 15 2022

    Traffic at Rose Hill and Latah can be dangerous. A number of times I have seen Rose Hill traffic run VERY red lights.

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    March 16 2022

    Traffic speed is terrible.

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  7. March 14 2022

    This is a dangerous intersection for pedestrians crossing Vista at this light. I always check to make sure no on is heading for the right turn on Rose Hill, and try to make eye contact with drivers - but there are still times when I have almost been hit by cars turning right. And, for people crossing Rose Hill, they really have to be careful of cars in left turn lane on Vista who race to get through that light as cars come up the hill. Do something to make this corner safer.

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    March 14 2022

    This is a really long crosswalk for pedestrians to cross Rosehill and drivers from North bound and South bound Vista take the turn really fast. A lead time on the pedestrian walk signal to allow pedestrians 5-10 seconds head start before drivers get the green or flashing yellow arrow.

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  8. March 14 2022

    Overall, Rose Hill is too small and narrow to accommodate the current traffic volume.
    It doesn't help that there is access to downtown at one end, and (eventually) access to major routes like Franklin & Orchard at the other end. Linking these two is Rose Hill, a two-lane motorway with no turn lanes. If a person needs to turn left against traffic, everyone else bunches up behind them and there's usually no recourse to go around due to parked cars. When traffic finally clears, people floor it to 40+ mph to make up for lost time.
    Unfortunately, there's no real way to address this that would be publicly acceptable.

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  9. March 14 2022

    I almost get hit in this crosswalk weekly when cars are turning onto rose hill from downtown, they all ignore the cross walk and are looking to see if cars are trying to turn from uphill while they blindly go right.

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  10. March 13 2022

    Overgrown foliage along these few blocks makes sidewalk use challenging. If two people meet walking/riding in opposite directions, one has to step into the street to pass or jay-walk across Rose Hill.

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  11. March 13 2022

    Biking or walking on the sidewalk past all of these little streets is super sketchy -- cars pulling out of the side streets can't see you, and cars turning in are often having to zip through quickly to catch a break in traffic.

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  12. March 13 2022

    Install 10-foot wide sidewalks along both sides of Rose Hill from Roosevelt to Vista.

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    March 14 2022

    Wider sidewalks would help considering that many houses regularly block the sidewalk with cars hanging over their driveways, more ticketing for this might help also. Traffic moves faster than allowed speed limit most of the time making it feel unsafe as a pedestrian having to step off of the sidewalk because of a car blocking the path

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  13. March 13 2022

    Reduce speed limit on Rose Hill from Roosevelt to Vista to 25 MPH

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    March 14 2022

    Please verify the street design speed matches the posted speed by recording peak and off peak travel speeds.

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  14. March 13 2022

    Very dangerous intersection as there is no visibility to the east due to curve in road and parked cars. Either need to straighten road, eliminate parking for 300-feet east along Rose Hill, or install traffic light.

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    March 22 2022

    Main problem is Shoshone and Peasley are so close together, along with the curve. A regular traffic light at either street would back up traffic on Rose Hill and getting out of either street would be much worse.

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  15. March 13 2022

    Difficult to turn onto Rose Hill from Peasley--cars parked on street blocking views, corner, traffic going too quickly.

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  16. March 13 2022

    Cannot safely bike between Jackson and Latah. Cars are parked along the street.

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  17. March 12 2022

    It has become almost impossible to make a left turn out of Cleveland Street during rush hour. Cars make sure to let no one in, or so it seems.

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  18. March 12 2022

    There should be a protected crosswalk: many people, me included, like to cross the street here and it is almost impossible to do so between 4:30 and 6pm. Many school children cross in this area as well.
    Cars are TOO FAST and almost never stop, even when their traffic light ahead is red!

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  19. March 12 2022

    I live on Rosehill and mobility options don't feel safe. Walking can be fine, but I've almost been hit by drivers running red lights while I'm crossing and there isn't great lighting on this street, so walking at night doesn't feel safe. Biking is a nightmare - the street is so congested that, when you bike on the road, passing cars are really close when and pushing you into parked cars; but the sidewalk has a lot of vegetation & overhanging branches that biking there isn't necessarily better there. These are general comments for the length of road for this study since there aren't really points along the road where it feels calmer or safer.

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    March 15 2022

    Bike lanes along Rose Hill would be INCREDIBLE!!!

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  20. March 12 2022

    Approaching Rose Hill from the west side of Peasley using that bike lane, we have appreciated the sidewalk ramp feature to get us easily to the flashing light indicator.

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  21. March 12 2022

    Cars are going too fast for safe crossing at Peasley. I wait until no cars are coming to press the button, because if I press it when a car is coming they are going too fast to stop.

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  22. March 12 2022

    I live near this intersection and people are always speeding through it or flooring it when the light turns green. I'm not sure what calming technique would help here but I'm certain a nice painted pedestrian lane could help for both speed and foot traffic to Jefferson Elementary. The crosswalk lighting could definitely use some modern ADA push buttons and lighting upgrades.

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    March 20 2022

    I think some good old fashion speeding tickets are warranted, also. I wish there were more traffic officers in our neighborhood

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  23. March 12 2022

    It's very hard to be seen when crossing the street in the crosswalk here. Very few drivers stop when we are trying to cross here on foot, and when I drive here it is hard to see when people are trying to cross. Maybe the crosswalk isn't marked well enough.

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    March 15 2022

    Not having sidewalks on Owyhee make it extremely dangerous for walking yourself, a baby or a dog!

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    March 16 2022

    Owyhee also has a silly speed of 30 mph! They come down the street like a street rally.

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    March 21 2022

    Sidewalks on Owyhee from Rose Hill to Cassia would be amazing! I would gladly give a portion of my front yard for a sidewalk as would several of my neighbors. Currently people fly well above the already high 30 MPH speed limit. Would like this reduced to 20 or 25MPH with sidewalks as this is a main route for children commenting to school.
    Also, the crosswalk across Rose Hill would only be increasingly ingnored with a roundabout.

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  24. March 12 2022

    I've had people cut me off coming up the hill and turning into the Taco Time driveway multiple times when I am heading towards Vista on Rose Hill. This is a dangerous spot for the entrance especially when people turn left into it.

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    March 12 2022

    I agree but I'm not sure what could be done besides move the drive entrance more west to the alley way. It's only bad drivers who try to take a left across traffic. It's only meant for right hand turns.

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  25. March 12 2022

    People still don't stop here even when we push the signal button. It needs to be a flashing red. The yellow doesn't do anything.

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    March 13 2022

    Often people don’t stop, including ACHD employees car!

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    March 16 2022

    I agree, cars either dont see the flashing yellow or dont care. It is still very tricky to cross here. Flashing red or a stop sign would help.

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    March 19 2022

    I absolutely agree. As a regular runner/walker at this intersection, cars are often going too fast and not paying attention at all and don't stop despite the signal

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    March 25 2022

    See cars frequently blow through this pedestrian area, even when lights are flashing.
    I’ve never felt comfortable letting my kids cross Rose Hill anywhere, even in designated ‘crosswalks’

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